Well-Known Member
Hunter0678 said:W.Seay said:Rage 2 blades are the most destructive and devastating broadhead for deer on the market! Any of you guys that disagree, then go ahead and post pictures of what "your" broadhead does and i guarantee you that the rage 2 blades are MUCH MORE DESTRUCTIVE! It aint hype if it works as advertised and in this case it certainly does!I have killed 9 deer with the rage and havent had one run more than 40 yards yet even on less than perfect shots! The majority of them havent made it 25 yards!Hype... I dont think so.
I agree, I have lost a few deer with muzzys and thunder heads but I have never lost one shot with a rage. I think the people who are against them just cant accept the fact they are not shooting a fast enough bow, cant shoot well, or just have a bias because they actually perform like they say they do. "its like throwing a axe through an animal" lol
I AGREE !!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^