ram cats broadheads


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2012
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Has anyone tried the new ram cat broad heads I bought a pack of them I didn't even think to look at the reviews on them I was thinking about taking them back
This is my second year using them and I love them. So far I have killed to deer with the same broadhead. The last one I shot quartering away fairly steep...went in high lung, traveled through the chest cavity and exited out in front of shoulder opposite side. Complete passthrough. Vitals were nicely cut, very good blood trail, recovered bolt and head. Resharpened and still dead on. Ready to get another.
serriaman07 said:
Has anyone tried the new ram cat broad heads I bought a pack of them I didn't even think to look at the reviews on them I was thinking about taking them back

What reviews were you reading? Almost all of the ones I have read talk about the amazing blood trails and the great flight and penetration. Blade bending issues can be remedied with snipping the ends of the blades and being careful about putting them in/taking them out of your quiver. I've sold a ton of them and guys love 'em.
I highly recommend them. The Offset blades coupled with my strong helical fletching rotate inside the chest cavity and wreak havoc to the organs.
I don't have any pictures but my buddy bought some and shot a nanny goat this morning and I was a amazed at what the damage it dune he was only shooting 50lbs but it jacked her up bad he shot her around 40 yards away and she ran 10 yards after a good lung shot I am sold on these thing
I like them. Fly really true to my field points. Shoot them through my crossbow. Trying out bipolar a through my compound this year. Can't wait to get some blood on them!

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