Recommendations - Drop away rests

on my old bow I have a muzzy zero effect and I loved it(but a major pain to st up).tried a limb driver pro v.and I really liked it.if the string breaks it fells up so you can still shoot..the string that came with it came untied once then I fixed that and the string broke.that being said still liked it.if I was going to shoot one id have the string made out of bow string material.
but I don't wont something on my hunting bow that can possably fail.i put on a biscuit and have been really impressed will be the only rest I have on hunting bow from now on
You might want to check out Bowfinger Archery, they have drop away rest called the Medusa Max, great rest, also has lifetime warranty and made in Kingston Springs tn.
One thing I didn't say before, what I like about Ripords and I think QAD are the same way, is that you can lock the launcher up. That makes setting up the rest or checking/making adjustments a whole lot easier. I always found it a pain to hold a launcher up and trying to adjust the rest or something. It's not that it can't be done or anything. It's just some aggravation that I feel shouldn't be there.
And the winner is QAD. It showed up yesterday. Hopefully it goes well. Any tips for paper tuning at home? I've never done it before, but thought that I would give it a try.
Legnip said:
And the winner is QAD. It showed up yesterday. Hopefully it goes well. Any tips for paper tuning at home? I've never done it before, but thought that I would give it a try.

Get a cardboard box and an 8.5 x 11 sheet of printer paper. Cut a square out of the box smaller than the 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper but close in size. Tape the sheet of paper over the square hole you cut and you have a quick paper tuning rack. Place the box on something that will get your box on the same level as you target and shoot through the paper. Yeah it's not pretty like a tuning rack but something you can put together in a few minutes.
While the box cut-out will work (done it myself), it can be a pain setting it up on something shoulder level and then have the target at the same level as well. Here is a simple project that only takes a few minutes, can be done for $10-$15 bucks and is a lot easier to use and move around. ... ost3258268

When you shoot it through paper make sure that you start out at least 6ft from the paper rack.

Here is the Easton Tuning Guide as a reference if you don't already have it. ... _guide.pdf

I also will add that if you think you having clearance issues, make your wife mad and steal her least used lipstick and "paint" it on the launcher prongs and shoot and inspect the vanes as well as the shaft for any indication of contact as will be identified by lipstick streaks. However, be careful when placing the arrow on the launcher that you don't rub any lipstick on that before the shot.