Well-Known Member
I just saw MidwayUSA selling a Burris ff with a free rib mount
I have EGW on both of my gunsI'm sure they are quality mounts I've just never known anyone to use one. Sumtoy mounts I have used and know a lot of people that also use them with good results
Burris FF3 is a great option but i just bought my first swamp fox a little while back and really like it also. Check out your factory full choke before you buy another. If you do buy an aftermarket choke I would look at the Indian Creek .562 they have shot great for me out of my setups. Or look at a Jebs .560/.565.I just got a new 20 GA and I've decided to put a red dot scope on it.Im thinking a Vortex or a truglo.What would you get and why?I have a scope on my other turkey gun and don't want to take it off, so I want to get the red dot for this reason.Also, do you need to get a special choke made just for tss shot shells, this is the first time ever shooting tss shells.