Regarding the field turkey debate etc...


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
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Knoxville, TN
I see y'all had a good time while I was in the woods this morning, and to not hijack pledbetter any further I was asked to start a new thread with this post.

I find it ironic that the ones complaining about being judged are the first to call others elitist because they have a differing view.

My opinion on decoys and blinds is actually softening and over the last few weeks I am beginning to understand why some enjoy that style of hunting. I don't see myself going that direction, but I might you never know.

I flatly do not believe in roost shooting or turkey reaping, mainly as a safety issue on the reaping thing.

I also believe that there is a new era of hunter that is vastly different than the majority of folks who head to the woods. An afternoon of watching tv hunting will illustrate what I'm referring to.

If you don't like me fine. That's your choice, and if you wish to lash out at me feel free to shoot me a PM anytime. You might find I'm not the monster you have envisioned.
I don't dislike you. In fact I feel like you are a pretty good guy, and I can tell you have a lot of respect and admiration for the hunt and the prey. I respect that.

With that being said you did come off yesterday like you were looking down your nose at some of the ones that said they would limblaunch one if they saw fit. Take for instance my friend n2deer.... when he commented on this thread you told him that not everyone was capable of setting up properly, calling well, and understanding turkeys to the point they can kill them traditionally. I can tell you that nothing could be further from the truth. I've seen that ol boy put the screws to many a turkey he called in. He's a heck of a turkey hunter and proves it year in and year out.
I will say, more times than not, Setterman speaks his mind. Good or bad he has his ways of doing things. Some may agree, some will disagree. To be fair, he gives some and takes some but is quick to point out why.

I find him to be of the "old school" league, not necessarily an "elite".... but sort of like "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" type. His way seems to be effective for him same as how others on here make it happen.

I don't always agree with what Setterman says but I have read things he has posted, as well as what others post, and reflected on them in the turkey woods. You never know where anothers experience may infact help you in a situation. This is more where the "good debate" and the beauty of us sharing hunting experiences comes in.

In one way or another, we are all just looking for success in the woods.
Since I helped stir the pot yesterday with some big spoons...... I apologize. I've read a ton and learned a lot in the time I've been a member here. Setterman, I'm sure you're a successful hunter and taken many fine animals. Nothing to shame in that.

What got me is you talking down on people using blinds decoys and other legal ways to take animals. I bought my first blind last fall to take my daughter deer hunting. Figured since I had it I might as well use it. Does that make make me or anyone else sitting in a blind that much less of a sportsman. No. Decoys; I don't even own any. I've got some borrowed. Does that make someone anyone less than a hunter. No.

Riding around and shooting animals out of windows is what should be looked down on. Spotlighting animals is another. Illegal methods. Not legal methods. I've seen catman get ripped for taking an animal that was legal. Would I have done it. Probably not. Depends in the situation. But he took a legal animal and done it legal. Nothing to shame there.

The point of this is why are we talking down on oeople who hunt a certain way when it's within the perameters of the law. I've seen a lot of good advice here on hung up turkeys. There's times when a blind and decoy just isn't feasible. But if you have em and you want to why bash it.
As many have been quick to point out, this is an opinion forum. I couldn't agree more. But, when your opinion is such that you believe your hunting methods are far superior to every hunter that doesn't hunt like you (or at least when it comes across that way) you're just asking for an argument. Most hunters I know are proud of how they hunt and the effort they put into it. I know I am. But being proud doesn't have to mean that you are a superior hunter.
The new era of turkey hunting is for sure driven from the TV shows and market that has developed. It is almost becoming like duck hunting in the sense of your not a true turkey hunter unless you limit out.

I love turkey hunting and I love everything about it. But over the past 5 plus years things have changed and the way I hunt is considered Old Fashion, Traditional or whatever you want to call it. I dont buy the newest latest gear, to my knowledge my gun is only deadly out to 30 yards and I never fill all my tags. I go to the NWTF show because its close by and not much to do in Feb, but each time I think nothing else can be marketed for todays turkey hunter I am proven wrong.

Just wait until the "Trophy" turkey hunter makes his presence. Then we will be holding QTMA meetings. Maybe I should go ahead and start the QTMA?????
I agree with Hiker, i hate the fact that you are judged by how many turkey you can kill in a season now. That will be the death of Turkey hunting as we know it if it continues.I love turkey hunting too, and i love to hear them gobble. Keep killing them out and over calling your birds, and a morning gobble will become morning silence!
I've never met Setterman and wouldn't know him if I seen him, but I think his main concern has to do with the appreciation and respect of the sport, and the fact that he's not afraid of his opinion. Face it, there aren't a whole lot of folks out there anymore that take the time to learn how to get into a gobblers head, or learn why a gobbler goes here, there, or does this or that, etc. Sure, blinds, decoys, and limbshooting are legal...but lot's of the newcomers will simply never learn about the great wild turkey, because of what they have seen on tv. Almost like the robo duck...or a high fence operation.
Just because I climb a hill 300+ yards long and steep as a horses face every morning with all my gear and camera and I run and gun and don't set and wait till one walks by does not make me a superior or old fashioned hunter. I am a turkey hunter. I am happy for who ever kills one legally regardless of the approach taken.
I dont really care how people hunt but the whole blind thing isn't for me I haven't got the patience for it. Now I would probably carry a decoy if it wasn't for the weight and being so cumbersome.

If the bird I've dealt with a couple times this week is still alive and well thursday I'm going togive him one more try, if I can't work him out I'll buy a strut decoy on the way home and try it Friday.
Id hunt with you Captain Hook :)

I grew up hunting the same area as Setter and the same rules. i was taught but a traditional style hunter and thats just how i choose to look at the sport.

i do believe there is a new age of hunter and thats fine, just now how i will teach my son to go after them, thats just how the sport is ingrained in my soul.
Setterman said:
I see y'all had a good time while I was in the woods this morning, and to not hijack pledbetter any further I was asked to start a new thread with this post.

I find it ironic that the ones complaining about being judged are the first to call others elitist because they have a differing view.

My opinion on decoys and blinds is actually softening and over the last few weeks I am beginning to understand why some enjoy that style of hunting. I don't see myself going that direction, but I might you never know.

I flatly do not believe in roost shooting or turkey reaping, mainly as a safety issue on the reaping thing.

I also believe that there is a new era of hunter that is vastly different than the majority of folks who head to the woods. An afternoon of watching tv hunting will illustrate what I'm referring to.

If you don't like me fine. That's your choice, and if you wish to lash out at me feel free to shoot me a PM anytime. You might find I'm not the monster you have envisioned.

Oh heck, just because you debate with someone doesn't mean you don't like them. These are all words typed on a screen, they all can be taking wronging. I like the fact you speak your mind. Wish more people would do it instead of whining about the things they don't like and not trying to change them.
Honestly I don't want anything to change, especially if it meant more regulations. I like that the rules allow folks to hunt how they like within reason.

I do believe that many newcomers would become better hunters long term if they began without the aid of blinds and decoys. It would teach them to really learn how turkeys communicate, travel, and interact with each other. Just my opinion but I feel the hunter who takes up this sport and spends all their time in a blind or using decoys misses out on some of the really rewarding aspects of the sport. Not knocking anyone, or running down the decoy/blind thing at all, just stating an opinion

With that said, I again like the fact we are free to hunt how we like within reason.
Setterman said:
Honestly I don't want anything to change, especially if it meant more regulations. I like that the rules allow folks to hunt how they like within reason.

I do believe that many newcomers would become better hunters long term if they began without the aid of blinds and decoys. It would teach them to really learn how turkeys communicate, travel, and interact with each other. Just my opinion but I feel the hunter who takes up this sport and spends all their time in a blind or using decoys misses out on some of the really rewarding aspects of the sport. Not knocking anyone, or running down the decoy/blind thing at all, just stating an opinion

With that said, I again like the fact we are free to hunt how we like within reason.
I think there will always be people who like to run and gun, and the blinds and dekes should help getting the new hunters into the sport, which is pretty important too isn't it?
catman529 said:
Setterman said:
Honestly I don't want anything to change, especially if it meant more regulations. I like that the rules allow folks to hunt how they like within reason.

I do believe that many newcomers would become better hunters long term if they began without the aid of blinds and decoys. It would teach them to really learn how turkeys communicate, travel, and interact with each other. Just my opinion but I feel the hunter who takes up this sport and spends all their time in a blind or using decoys misses out on some of the really rewarding aspects of the sport. Not knocking anyone, or running down the decoy/blind thing at all, just stating an opinion

With that said, I again like the fact we are free to hunt how we like within reason.
I think there will always be people who like to run and gun, and the blinds and dekes should help getting the new hunters into the sport, which is pretty important too isn't it?

Sure, but like probably a ton of others I didn't need the instant kill to keep me going. I decided from the beginning that I relished the challenge and getting beaten down routinely made me a better hunter. I learned from the 8 million mistakes I made. Dekes were illegal in Bama so it wasn't even an option for us. Again, this is just me, I don't get discouraged easily and was dead set on becoming competent enough to kill bunches of birds each year

Do you feel people must have instant success to take up the sport? Do you think embracing the challenges head on can make a person a better hunter in the long run?

As I said I've softened on the decoy stuff in the last few weeks after seeing why some enjoy this approach, but I do think that there is value in learning the traditional way first.

It does seen in society as a whole that people feel they need an instant award. For example everyone getting trophies in youth sports and no grades given to kids in some schools, everyone wins in other words.

I believe valuable life lessons are learned by getting your butt kicked before learning the proper way to do something whether that's in the woods or real life.
Setterman said:
catman529 said:
Setterman said:
Honestly I don't want anything to change, especially if it meant more regulations. I like that the rules allow folks to hunt how they like within reason.

I do believe that many newcomers would become better hunters long term if they began without the aid of blinds and decoys. It would teach them to really learn how turkeys communicate, travel, and interact with each other. Just my opinion but I feel the hunter who takes up this sport and spends all their time in a blind or using decoys misses out on some of the really rewarding aspects of the sport. Not knocking anyone, or running down the decoy/blind thing at all, just stating an opinion

With that said, I again like the fact we are free to hunt how we like within reason.
I think there will always be people who like to run and gun, and the blinds and dekes should help getting the new hunters into the sport, which is pretty important too isn't it?

Sure, but like probably a ton of others I didn't need the instant kill to keep me going. I decided from the beginning that I relished the challenge and getting beaten down routinely made me a better hunter. I learned from the 8 million mistakes I made. Dekes were illegal in Bama so it wasn't even an option for us. Again, this is just me, I don't get discouraged easily and was dead set on becoming competent enough to kill bunches of birds each year

Do you feel people must have instant success to take up the sport? Do you think embracing the challenges head on can make a person a better hunter in the long run?

As I said I've softened on the decoy stuff in the last few weeks after seeing why some enjoy this approach, but I do think that there is value in learning the traditional way first.

It does seen in society as a whole that people feel they need an instant award. For example everyone getting trophies in youth sports and no grades given to kids in some schools, everyone wins in other words.

I believe valuable life lessons are learned by getting your butt kicked before learning the proper way to do something whether that's in the woods or real life.
sure some people want it easy and get all the rewards, I guess it will always be that way but some people (myself included) get the most satisfaction running around with minimal gear and trying to call them in, stalk or ambush them with no blind or dekes. Sure taking on turkeys yourself with no gimmicks will make you better but it's not always about who's the best hunter, I think it's important that enough people still get out in the woods and hunt at all
Setterman, say it ain't so!!! You hunting with a SBE topped with a FF dot thingy!!! I figured you would be using an Anson & Deely boxlock, dressed in butternut dyed linsey woolsey, and rode to your hunting spot on a old mare mule named Sallee with a tow sack for a saddle. Well I've never-how can you use all that cutting edge high tech gear in good conscience? Lol- Seriously everyone is comfortable with the gear they use and the technique they use or they wouldn't be using it. The problem with your posts for me was the 'if you don't do it my way you are doing it the wrong way' tone that bled through. You probably didn't mean for that attitude to be displayed but that is how it sounded to me. I'm confident you are a good guy, good hunter, and a bit bull headed like most of us. Took guts to admit you are a mere mortal after the Maggie's drawers with the SBE. what sort of shells were you using? Not high tech stuff surely! Just ribbing you a bit!
catman529 said:
Setterman said:
catman529 said:
Setterman said:
Honestly I don't want anything to change, especially if it meant more regulations. I like that the rules allow folks to hunt how they like within reason.

I do believe that many newcomers would become better hunters long term if they began without the aid of blinds and decoys. It would teach them to really learn how turkeys communicate, travel, and interact with each other. Just my opinion but I feel the hunter who takes up this sport and spends all their time in a blind or using decoys misses out on some of the really rewarding aspects of the sport. Not knocking anyone, or running down the decoy/blind thing at all, just stating an opinion

With that said, I again like the fact we are free to hunt how we like within reason.
I think there will always be people who like to run and gun, and the blinds and dekes should help getting the new hunters into the sport, which is pretty important too isn't it?

Sure, but like probably a ton of others I didn't need the instant kill to keep me going. I decided from the beginning that I relished the challenge and getting beaten down routinely made me a better hunter. I learned from the 8 million mistakes I made. Dekes were illegal in Bama so it wasn't even an option for us. Again, this is just me, I don't get discouraged easily and was dead set on becoming competent enough to kill bunches of birds each year

Do you feel people must have instant success to take up the sport? Do you think embracing the challenges head on can make a person a better hunter in the long run?

As I said I've softened on the decoy stuff in the last few weeks after seeing why some enjoy this approach, but I do think that there is value in learning the traditional way first.

It does seen in society as a whole that people feel they need an instant award. For example everyone getting trophies in youth sports and no grades given to kids in some schools, everyone wins in other words.

I believe valuable life lessons are learned by getting your butt kicked before learning the proper way to do something whether that's in the woods or real life.
sure some people want it easy and get all the rewards, I guess it will always be that way but some people (myself included) get the most satisfaction running around with minimal gear and trying to call them in, stalk or ambush them with no blind or dekes. Sure taking on turkeys yourself with no gimmicks will make you better but it's not always about who's the best hunter, I think it's important that enough people still get out in the woods and hunt at all

I don't disagree and to each their own in terms of tactics.

I'm all for new faces in the sport, and could care less how they find success. But I don't subscribe to the belief that a newbie must have immediate success to keep them engaged, or that it should be as easy as possible to keep newcomers in the game.

As I said there's value in learning numerous approaches, but I think the most value comes from learning the traditional approach

Just one mans opinion...

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