

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2006
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What type of release do you prefer? Likes,Dislikes any opinions.

I want to get some ideas for a new one since I apparently lost mine :mad:
Scott lil goose works for me . The only problem I have had with it was when the set screw backed out . I learned to check it after that and also put a drop of loc tite on it . That stopped the backing out for good
Ive been using the scott little bitty goose but going to try the Tru-ball pro diamond extreme this year.
Bought one made my "Bear" at Wallyworld about 10 years ago and still using it.
Scott is going to be your most popular release on here. They are good hunting releases. I personally don't like the travel in the trigger (I'm not talking about the tension). I've owned several of them over the years and I guess you really wouldn't know the difference in them unless you've tried out a bunch of others.

Carter makes the best feeling trigger release (to me) with no travel. It's a nice and crisp trigger. I have my crosshairs set on a Carter RX1 or RX2 but I'm having a hard time stomaching the $120. I've been trying to buy a used one off ArcheryTalk but I'm always a day late and dollar short when they post them.

I've never liked the feel of TruBall releases. I have owned two of their "Short n Sweet"s because of popularity with other people but I never did like them.

A great "poor man" crisp trigger release is that Jim Fletcher "Fletch Hook". I rank it #2 on the list under the Carters. It'll run you about $40.
Just got a Scott little goose over the weekend.... Before this I shot a cheaper Jim Fletcher release both have the web that connect the glove to the jaws...

The Scott seems to be better, but the Fletcher seems to be a good value also....
I broke down and coughed up the $$ for a Carter RX2.

I've shot Scott releases nearly my whole life. And I've never felt or shot a release that comes anywhere close to the RX2. I've shot Carter handhelds for tournaments but for hunting they never really offered anything of interest. Now I have the best of both worlds; Carter's crisp no travel trigger in an index finger release. The only thing I don't like is that by design, it is going to make my draw length feel very short. I think that was what a lot of guys liked about it; they were able to increase their draw lengths by about 1/2 inch for a little more FPS.
I just bought the tru-fire 3d hunter. It is a handle release. I was using the Huricane, a wrist caliper release. I wanted the freedom to have my hands free in stand. I am getting use to the release. I seem to torque the string with the 3d hunter alot more than with the Huricane. Like anything new practice is starting to make perfect. Only complaint is....if you push the thumb release forward during your draw the release will deploy sending arrows flying, for me at a 30 deg. angle to the ground and far far away.
Good Luck in your search.