Rem 870 20ga shooting high


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2005
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I have a Rem 870 20 ga Express Compact Camo that I've decided to play with this year. I've purchased two Carlson chokes, one a Longbeard XR and the other is their TSS choke as well as trying the factory .572 turkey choke. In trying all different choke tubes with a variety of different lead and TSS ammo, the gun is shooting a minimum of 16" high at 40 yards. This is with the bead looking straight down the vent rib. This is with a 6:00 hold with no rib showing. I'd like to stick with the bead and am reluctant to go red dot. Short of aiming at the turkey's feet, what options do I have to get the gun setup to hit to point of aim?
A set of rib clamp on adjustable sights would be my suggestion. You might be able to get just a front fiber optic sight that fits over your current bead. It would just be trial and error to how much it would change your point of impact.
yeah cheapest way to lower a POI is to get a bigger front sight like a Fat bead. Not sure it will lower it 16" but it will lower it for sure and only cost a couple bucks to do.

other then that, rifle sights are your only other easy option.

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