Remington 121 field master


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2023
Reaction score
My wife was given one of these from a family member. It's in rough shape. Is it worth having it fixed up professionally or sand down and refinish and re blue it myself. It has light surface rust and finish is flaking. Still pumps and safety works. Haven't tried firing it yet. Thoughts?
Don't do anything to it....except shoot it.
It hasn't been made since 1954, good grief, it's the same age I am, does it work? Refinishing whether Professionally or by an amauture would not help the value to a collector. It might to the average Joe. But I wouldn't do it, unless I was doing it for myself.
If you insist on doing the wood do not sand. The wood should be stripped as much as possible without sanding. If you insist on sending do it with the wood on the gun so you will not round the corners and leave the metal sticking up higher than the wood. And you have to be careful not to send the metal at the same time which is hard to avoid.
Remove the wood from the action and use 0000 steel wool with oil to clean the rust off the steel. If you just have to refinish the wood, use a rag, 0000 steel wool, and an old tooth brush with lacquer thinner to remove the old finish.

Please do not use sand paper or rust remover.
