Remington 700 Problem - Help?

I know how to spell the same word Tim knows how to spell lol I have both and the buckmark just doesnt compare in the accuracy department sorry lol
OK, now gang up on the Browning lovers!
If a 5 shot group with a .284 bullet that measures .440 (hole in the target diameter) isn't accurate enough for you Remington lovers, that's fine with me.

This was with the Barnes X bullet. TiminTN might agree with me on the Barnes issue. Hang around our "camp" for a while, if you have thin skin you'll be in the wrong place. We have a US Marshall in our group that is a shooter for their special ops group. He took a good bit of "friendly banter" when he missed a buck at 100 yards this year. Nobody's safe, and like Larry the Cable guy says, if you're afraid of being offended, don't come to my shows!

Now that we agree that Brownings are for some and Remingtoons are for others,how about starting a thread with "trophy wife" pictures? (nothing revealing, this is a family site) We could field score each others' wives and reeaally get some guys fired up. Whaddyathink?
Nope- they shoot Remington 700s. They WISH they could shoot Brownings.

Fact- they're also switching from the Sig and Glock 40s to Kimber 45 ACP. Thought that was interesting.He told us they've had several guys takd a full clip of 40s and still have to be finished off with an M4. Unfortunately the bad guys are often better equipped than the good guys are. He's a very interesting guy.
Now how do I spell it ...Oh Yeah ,I believe it is-- TOE MATOE OR TOMATER STAKE? :D lol...
my swat buddies were carrying sig 45 acp. The city is to cheap to buy the ammo and took the weapons back. I think they are back to carrying 40 cal handguns. I would have to call memfuzz to be sure. The swat sniper for one group of mempho is my bow hunting buddy. he won the all the sniper swat olympics with a tomato stake !! :/
I'd have to ask why the city took the guns back. If a guy wants to carry something to give him parity with the bad guys and is willing to pay for his own ammo in the interest of keeping himself alive- let him do so.
Oh wait- we're in MEM, it doesn't have to make sense, just what Willie wants!

Glad to be living in Fayette County, where the cops talk deer hunting with you!
Jaeger shot it yesterday, loved it!
BNow he's goint to look into reloading for it with some Barnes pistol bullets- wants to get a deer with it. Also has me interested in one.....