Remington 760 Trigger Job


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
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Out Hiking
I love my old 760 but the trigger has always been awful. I found a gunsmit through Ebay who does trigger jobs for 760's (along with 742s, 870s, 1100s and others) so I took a chance and spent the $65. Trigger came back to me in about a week and I installed it last night. Now sitting at a very crisp 2.3 lbs. Before I sent it off, it was very gritty and had a pull weight just over 5 lbs.
That's awesome. I have a model four I may have to send that trigger off.
Is it something you guys can't do yourself??
From his page. This is what you get for $65 plus shipping.

I will document the factory pull weight, and record it on a card that will accompany your trigger when returned to you. This allows you to see the before and after pull weight numbers.

-Older triggers are checked for poor or worn sear engagement angles. Poor angles can cause a trigger to accidentally discharge. This condition isn't common but has been known to happen with these triggers after extreme use and age. If an unsafe action is sent to me you will be notified and I will install a replacement hammer and sear with your permission for the cost of parts.

Complete disassembly and cleaning
Sear and hammer spur's are re-shaped by hand to gain the perfect engagement angle.
Mirror like polishing on the engagement surfaces of the hammer, sear and hammer plunger.
Lighter sear spring is installed.
An over travel set screw is installed behind the trigger to eliminate over travel.
The action is lubricated and then tested for pull weight, the pull weight is documented on the customer's info card.
The pull weight will be reduced to 2 1/2 lbs and be smooth as glass. If you would like more weight than that simply let me know and I can tune your trigger to any pull weight you like within reason. Post travel will be reduced and over travel eliminated.
From his page. This is what you get for $65 plus shipping.

I will document the factory pull weight, and record it on a card that will accompany your trigger when returned to you. This allows you to see the before and after pull weight numbers.

-Older triggers are checked for poor or worn sear engagement angles. Poor angles can cause a trigger to accidentally discharge. This condition isn't common but has been known to happen with these triggers after extreme use and age. If an unsafe action is sent to me you will be notified and I will install a replacement hammer and sear with your permission for the cost of parts.

Complete disassembly and cleaning
Sear and hammer spur's are re-shaped by hand to gain the perfect engagement angle.
Mirror like polishing on the engagement surfaces of the hammer, sear and hammer plunger.
Lighter sear spring is installed.
An over travel set screw is installed behind the trigger to eliminate over travel.
The action is lubricated and then tested for pull weight, the pull weight is documented on the customer's info card.
The pull weight will be reduced to 2 1/2 lbs and be smooth as glass. If you would like more weight than that simply let me know and I can tune your trigger to any pull weight you like within reason. Post travel will be reduced and over travel eliminated.
I got exactly what he explained. New weight is 2.3 lbs. Prior, it felt like a 5 stage trigger with all the grit and pulled at over 5 lbs. It is now as crisp as any triggertech I have .
The triggger is what makes or breaks a rifle for me.

I can't stand one that doesn't have a crisp trigger.
That's why I eliminated all the lever action rifles from my collection, the triggers on those Marlins are nearly always terrible.
Good info in this thread, thanks for sharing. With that said, I've always purchased aftermarket triggers or had local smith perform a trigger job on my rifles, and I've done my own tinkering on my shotguns.