Removing Arrow Inserts


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Townsend, TN
Can you remove inserts from carbon arrows without damaging the arrow. If so what's the trick. I need to trim some old arrows down, but only a half inch so the insert will have to come out.

I would like to know the trick myself.. I always pulled mine would using a vise. I don't think that's a good way to get the job done.
Gold tip says to find a long narrow something or other to tap the insert out from the back side. I like your vice idea, and that will give me a good excuse to by a vice. LOL
Part of the issue becomes what kind of glue has been used. Some will let go more easily than others. That being said ...

Screw a field point into the insert and heat the field point with a flame (candle, cig lighter, etc) This allows the heat to radiate to the insert. Tug on the field point with pliers to remove field point and insert from the arrow.

There still is no guarantee. You still might get the carbon overheated. If hot melt was used it will give up the insert fairly easily. If something like goat tuff has been used it takes more heat and might damage.

Question becomes, do you want to take the risk for 1/2"? Or as Dirty Harry would say "Do you feel lucky today?"
The type of glue is the key,like John/Teresa said. If you are using glue in points then it does become tricky unless you don't mind scarring your point up with pliers or vise grips. First remove your nock. You will need to find a piece of metal that just fits inside the shaft. It needs to be able to slide freely. A piece of allen wrench with the "L" cut off works great. Use a torch turned way down. Heat the tip end when you think it has been heated enough to remove it take the shaft and "throw" the piece of metal to the tip end. If the glue has been heated enough to release then the tip will come out. Just make sure no one is around. Be really bad to burn someone with a hot point. Might can use a small metal gun cleaning rod to tap it out.
If you used super glue type, you can put a large drill bit in the shaft from the nock end and give the arrow a swift swing downward to hammer out the insert. I use hot glue now but I knock mine out in 2 pops.
Screw a old field tip in I heat mine with a torch get it hot an pull it out it will work on super glues and hot melts.