Restocking Pond

I have about a 1/2 acre pond. Built and stocked it over 40 years ago with channel cats bass and bluegill. About ten years in added a few grasscarp. It has been neglected for about 20 years now. Trees grown up around etc. last year I cleaned up the edges and fished it for the first time in close to 20 had several small bluegill and about 14" bass . Still had a grass carp but no catfish. Fed daily all summer . Added 10 grasscarp as the decaying leaves were thick. Fished it today ,just looking for something to do. Caught this guy on an ultralite. Had no idea there were fish this big in there


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Some really poor advice here.

M.S. Fisheries Biology; B.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Science

Bass, bluegill, catfish

Catfish won't spawn unless you build cavities. Add them per the recipe for size of pond.

Bass and bluegill (or shellcracker) at a 1 pound to 10 pound ratio ; again using the recipe for size to calculate numbers.

You MUST harvest fish. I'll harvest using the same recipe.

I'll take one pound of bass and 10 pounds of sunfish. Put 100 catfish in and take 20 per year.
Ponds will get out of balance quickly. Keep good notes/records. And harvest fish.

If you have a 7 acre pond, take 7 pounds of bass, 70 pounds of sunfish, and 20 catfish per year; every year.

Absolutely no crappie.

One triploid grass carp per acre is not a bad idea.

The In-Fisherman magazine has a good article on pond stocking. The Lindner family has done many TV shows throughout time on stocking them, along with Hank Parker, Jimmy Houston and others who have them in their own.
lol. I've got 1000 hours of tapes from the Clason family.

But does that matter?

I do have a master's of science in fisheries biology.

Not one person you mentioned holds a degree.

It matters.

Your post is ridiculous. But you made me laugh on a Friday. Thank you sir-

Have Al contact me. It's been several years. I heard he wasn't doing well. He'll remember me. Judd Cornell
The otters will appreciate you. Between otters and the creek chickens, our creeks don't have many fish anymore. They used to be full of smallmouth, green perch and hog suckers.
I don't follow you with the creek chickens. But otters are awful for creeks or ponds. Ive heard people shoot them and skin them.
lol. I've got 1000 hours of tapes from the Clason family.

But does that matter?

I do have a master's of science in fisheries biology.

Not one person you mentioned holds a degree.

It matters.

Your post is ridiculous. But you made me laugh on a Friday. Thank you sir-

Have Al contact me. It's been several years. I heard he wasn't doing well. He'll remember me. Judd Cornell
A degree? So you can read books and answer other peoples questions, maybe make their point in a thesis? I mean you didn't know what a creek chicken was either. But the ponds that the individuals fish and own most assuredly have one of them there degrees, I'd be thinking. I detect, from your response, you hold a government position/occupation. I mean you seem to take offense by my article and mentioning of names of people who stock ponds. Did your little heart feel it was solely based on the presence of crappie in the water? I don't recall my post mentioning anything about you ,sweetheart. But I am glad that you got an "lol" out of it. I hope you have a great weekend though.
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Give me the scientific name of a creek chicken. Google didn't know what it was either.

This is a forum. I don't need your permission to tell you you're wrong. LOL LOL

Have a great day.
Give me the scientific name of a creek chicken. Google didn't know what it was either.

This is a forum. I don't need your permission to tell you you're wrong. LOL LOL

Have a great day.
You have your opinion....but like many choices in your life they can be questioned about how correct they are.
If the hybrid bluegill you have are also known as copper cheeked bluegill, they are terrible for a pond. They have larger mouths than bluegill and function the same in the ecosystem as a green sunfish. I have seen scrawny, emaciated largemouth in a large pond full of copper cheeked bluegill. They are more aggressive than bass and eat most of the bass food sources before the bass can get to it.