
Boll Weevil

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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Question: Do turkeys in your hunting area roost in pretty much the same location every evening?

There's a couple of spots on my farm where they can be somewhat reliable as far as roosting within 200 yards or in the same general area but for the most part they seem to be pretty random. I have locations to start the morning that are basically good listening places before picking a bird to go to and often find I walked past a bird to get to my listening post. Just as often, if I were to stop at that spot there'd be a bird hollerin' another 1/2 mile beyond and I've gotta take off on a jog to get to him.

Unless I'm out there with binoculars in the evening / listening and pinpoint one, it's a crap shoot as to where they'll be the next morning. Are your turkeys somewhat predictable when it comes to where they fly up vs. just sort of all over the place?
I can figure which ridge line they may be on but where exactly they roost changes a bit.

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In my main 2 spots they will roost in the same general 2 spots each night depending on weather the day before. Have been that way for 10 years or so.

Funny thing is in another spot they rooster in the same area for years then all the sudden they moved to the front of the property and haven't been back to the other spot for years. Was an odd change that I never could figure out why.

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding"

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No turkey pro here but I'll chime in....

I've had the turkeys roost in the same areas for a period and then change it up. It looked to me like it was dependent on the location and the timing of the season and how and where the hens were nesting. I used to hunt bottoms that were laced with old river beds winding through them. The turkeys seemed to roost in the same trees or at the very least, the same stretches of these slews for extended periods of time; especially early in the season. Also early season I've had them frequently roost on a couple of ridges that hung over feeding fields they could easily sail into from the roost. At that time we didn't have adequate nesting areas and the birds would migrate south off of us to better nesting areas. Once they began setting the nest regularly they'd change roosting locations.
I've had a few birds that seemed, I think they were the same ones, to roost in the same area for several weeks, then when hens start nesting they start moving.
Most of the times though it's never the same.

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During the season birds are generally in the same vicinity every year where I hunt. Even on the public ground back home
Same general area (within earshot), but not so exact that I have a 50/50 chance off the limb of which direction they'll be heading. It's frustrating at times, but more challenging in the end which is a good thing for my continued learning in the turkey woods.
I had a farm that would hold birds off and on all year but come a few weeks before season they would become constant. There would be a gobbler within 50 yards of the same spot every morning roosted on the edge of a flooded bottom, even if you killed the day before. I never remember there not being a bird there during season, but they were very unpredictable of where their feet would hit the ground on fly down so it still made for tough hunting. This is the only farm that I ever had that was so predictable, my other spots seems they move every few days.