ROY done it again.

heads meth GIF
He cracks me up because he's doing the Lord's work but watches 2 crackheads shoot up, kills a deer and leaves. Granted, I would do the same but I'm not going to blow smoke up your @$$ about doing it all for the Lord and then do nothing to try and help the homeless.

If someone called me today to come hunt a neighborhood deer that wasn't in a crackhead neighborhood then I'd be down for it. But sure wouldn't be doing it for clicks.
The jealousy on this site over guys that shot big deer is amazing. Now immediately several of you will post back at how you're not jealous and something about pet deer, yada yada, but you have more posts in Seek One threads here than all others combined. I don't know Lee Ellis, but I know this… He's a big deer killer. I've watched some of their stuff, and heard him on multiple podcasts and he knows his stuff. The amount of time he spends scouting, tracking down, and finding specific big deer is pretty impressive. I realize he's getting paid to do just that and that's his only job but that's pretty impressive too cause he got that gig by killing several big deer on video on showing them in the right places to the right people. I certainly don't video any hunts or post them online but getting to hunt for a living and have sponsors that provided all my gear and arrowing a booner or two every year sounds pretty fun to me. I hunt multiple farms, almost exclusively with a bow and I also hunt a spot insider the city. Those deer are just as exciting to shoot as the ones on the farms I hunt. I shoot a couple does there every year for the neighbors and there's about a 120" 6.5 yo 8pt in that spot I have on camera that's anything but a pet. If you don't wanna hunt near a house then don't. If you don't wanna hunt in town then don't do that either. If you wanna wait til muzzleloader to hunt your farm cause you think it makes your farm better then that's probably a good plan for you, if watching hunts on YouTube or TV ain't your thing then go your on way, but this I know…..Lee Ellis and the SeekOne fellas (Catman included) are living rent free in some of y'all's heads and if that's the case you should be becoming better hunters cause those guys are getting it done every year on some giants and y'all are following their every moves…….

Side note…Catmans oak tree ID info is one of the most useful things I have on my phone.
The jealousy on this site over guys that shot big deer is amazing. Now immediately several of you will post back at how you're not jealous and something about pet deer, yada yada, but you have more posts in Seek One threads here than all others combined. I don't know Lee Ellis, but I know this… He's a big deer killer. I've watched some of their stuff, and heard him on multiple podcasts and he knows his stuff. The amount of time he spends scouting, tracking down, and finding specific big deer is pretty impressive. I realize he's getting paid to do just that and that's his only job but that's pretty impressive too cause he got that gig by killing several big deer on video on showing them in the right places to the right people. I certainly don't video any hunts or post them online but getting to hunt for a living and have sponsors that provided all my gear and arrowing a booner or two every year sounds pretty fun to me. I hunt multiple farms, almost exclusively with a bow and I also hunt a spot insider the city. Those deer are just as exciting to shoot as the ones on the farms I hunt. I shoot a couple does there every year for the neighbors and there's about a 120" 6.5 yo 8pt in that spot I have on camera that's anything but a pet. If you don't wanna hunt near a house then don't. If you don't wanna hunt in town then don't do that either. If you wanna wait til muzzleloader to hunt your farm cause you think it makes your farm better then that's probably a good plan for you, if watching hunts on YouTube or TV ain't your thing then go your on way, but this I know…..Lee Ellis and the SeekOne fellas (Catman included) are living rent free in some of y'all's heads and if that's the case you should be becoming better hunters cause those guys are getting it done every year on some giants and y'all are following their every moves…….

Side note…Catmans oak tree ID info is one of the most useful things I have on my phone.
They ain't living rent free in my head, because too many are already there. The no vacancy sign has been up for several years.
I don't want to click the YouTube video because I don't like giving them views.
Is this real life?
He really kill it in a homeless camp?

I cannot tell if yall are being sarcastic or not.
You got it right. Guys dont click, dont post about em….let them become irrelevant
The jealousy on this site over guys that shot big deer is amazing. Now immediately several of you will post back at how you're not jealous and something about pet deer, yada yada, but you have more posts in Seek One threads here than all others combined. I don't know Lee Ellis, but I know this… He's a big deer killer. I've watched some of their stuff, and heard him on multiple podcasts and he knows his stuff. The amount of time he spends scouting, tracking down, and finding specific big deer is pretty impressive. I realize he's getting paid to do just that and that's his only job but that's pretty impressive too cause he got that gig by killing several big deer on video on showing them in the right places to the right people. I certainly don't video any hunts or post them online but getting to hunt for a living and have sponsors that provided all my gear and arrowing a booner or two every year sounds pretty fun to me. I hunt multiple farms, almost exclusively with a bow and I also hunt a spot insider the city. Those deer are just as exciting to shoot as the ones on the farms I hunt. I shoot a couple does there every year for the neighbors and there's about a 120" 6.5 yo 8pt in that spot I have on camera that's anything but a pet. If you don't wanna hunt near a house then don't. If you don't wanna hunt in town then don't do that either. If you wanna wait til muzzleloader to hunt your farm cause you think it makes your farm better then that's probably a good plan for you, if watching hunts on YouTube or TV ain't your thing then go your on way, but this I know…..Lee Ellis and the SeekOne fellas (Catman included) are living rent free in some of y'all's heads and if that's the case you should be becoming better hunters cause those guys are getting it done every year on some giants and y'all are following their every moves…….

Side note…Catmans oak tree ID info is one of the most useful things I have on my phone.
Why would you loop Catman into this. Just because he's friends with the the Roy. Doesn't mean anything to me. Catman is a good solid dude. Who is motivated and kills more deer than any one of them. And he hunts places I or anyone could hunt to do it. I haven't even seen the buck or the video and could really care less. I was creating humor and that about sums it up.
The jealousy on this site over guys that shot big deer is amazing. Now immediately several of you will post back at how you're not jealous and something about pet deer, yada yada, but you have more posts in Seek One threads here than all others combined. I don't know Lee Ellis, but I know this… He's a big deer killer. I've watched some of their stuff, and heard him on multiple podcasts and he knows his stuff. The amount of time he spends scouting, tracking down, and finding specific big deer is pretty impressive. I realize he's getting paid to do just that and that's his only job but that's pretty impressive too cause he got that gig by killing several big deer on video on showing them in the right places to the right people. I certainly don't video any hunts or post them online but getting to hunt for a living and have sponsors that provided all my gear and arrowing a booner or two every year sounds pretty fun to me. I hunt multiple farms, almost exclusively with a bow and I also hunt a spot insider the city. Those deer are just as exciting to shoot as the ones on the farms I hunt. I shoot a couple does there every year for the neighbors and there's about a 120" 6.5 yo 8pt in that spot I have on camera that's anything but a pet. If you don't wanna hunt near a house then don't. If you don't wanna hunt in town then don't do that either. If you wanna wait til muzzleloader to hunt your farm cause you think it makes your farm better then that's probably a good plan for you, if watching hunts on YouTube or TV ain't your thing then go your on way, but this I know…..Lee Ellis and the SeekOne fellas (Catman included) are living rent free in some of y'all's heads and if that's the case you should be becoming better hunters cause those guys are getting it done every year on some giants and y'all are following their every moves…….

Side note…Catmans oak tree ID info is one of the most useful things I have on my phone.

You lost me at "scouting"…
instead of using camo. He dressed up as a homeless crack head. Killed him out of a blind. Blind was just cardboard with windows cut out of it. Instead of hanging tinks 69. He hind little bags of crack rock. Or looked like crack rock may not have been the real thing. I've heard prostitutes were filming. Gotta hand it to him He went through a lot to stay low key and stay undetected. It's a joke folks calm down.
He actually used buckets, mattresses and other stuff from the camp to build a blind to hunt out of if needed.
It gets me how these fanboys take up for Roy. He doesn't go out and locate these deer on his own. He gets tips from other hunters about where a big deer is. This Ohio droptine deer he just killed was off of a tip at a sports show. It's not that he's that good of a hunter but more of a follower. You never see any deer wind them because the deer think human scent is normal. Hell even Ray Charles can kill a deer off of a 1/4 acre. Oh I forgot this last deer came off a 5 acre ranch.