Run & Gun or wait em out?

You ever seen the opening scene in the movie, the Last of the Mohicans? That's what I look like going through the turkey woods. I hate to sit and wait. I do enough of that in the deer stand to last me all year.
I run and gun them and sit and wait.they don't roost much on our prop so I have to wait for them to show up later in the morning.never killed one before 830 i don't think
My routine is I get on one off the roost and if I don't kill him I go to an area I know they will end up and fall asleep until I hear one gobble and then go kill him. I shoot most of my birds between 10-12 and love my naps!
Poser said:
baller_9 said:
My routine is I get on one off the roost and if I don't kill him I go to an area I know they will end up and fall asleep until I hear one gobble and then go kill him. I shoot most of my birds between 10-12 and love my naps!

I like that strategy :/
I'll be honest, I've never killed one directly off the roost. I have came incredibly close more times than I can count, but most or all of my kills have been between 9:30 and 1, after birds have been cut loose by hens and/or other hunters have vacated the (public) woods, thus making my calling more effective.

funny how things work out. all 4 of our birds were on the ground less than 30 minutes with 2 of them falling within 5 minutes of flydown.