Runnin-Gunnin public land

I do it every year.But it seems like the last few years my sucess has slowed down on public land turkeys.I dont no if its me or the turkeys because i used to wack em every year on public land.
I cant afford to blow the cash on a lease so public land is all I do, but thers plenty to go around, plus what the money I save on a lease I can buy more huntin junk with.

A couple yaers ago a guy that runs a local store asked if I wanted to go in on a lease with him and his son,I asked how much and he told me $250, I asked if that was all year thinkin thers some good der hunti in that erea also, he said no just turkey season, I told him aint no way I'm gonna pay that kinda money just for turkey season.

I wouldnt mind try'n the huntin lease thing but some of it just aint worth what ther askin.
All I hunt is public land, it is better IMO then private land. I used to hunt private land but spent all my time fighting with idiots.
Setterman said:
All I hunt is public land, it is better IMO then private land. I used to hunt private land but spent all my time fighting with idiots.
Like the owners?? LOL
Well, i'm NOT DEER HUNTIN TURKEY! That is all I do, run and gun. Generally, I will be on a 4 wheeler, ride to a point, hoot, call, whatever. If I don't hear a gobble, I ride to the next. I may do this 50-60 miles a trip.

I may not kill a bird every trip, but I will usally hear alot of birds gobble...If not I had a very good 4 wheeler ride and wasn't waisting my time sitting in a blind. :)
I've been fortunate enough to have plenty of private farms to hunt on since I started turkey hunting 11 years ago. However this past year I killed my first public land tom running and gunning. After about 30 minutes of cutting and running I got out on a point and cut really hard and let the sound carry to the river bottoms. Two toms hammered about 75 yards away. I quickly got my decoy out, stuck it in the ground about 10 yards from me and just plopped back into a big briar patch. They came in, circled me, and came by at 5 steps. They were both blowed up, spitting and drumming, and heading for my lonsome hen decoy. Smoked him at 7 steps with the nitros. Tore him up! It was in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day. There was no one around to compete with. From the time I got out of the truck to the time I put the tag on the birds leg= 30 minutes.
bsl said:
cruff10 said:
Well, i'm NOT DEER HUNTIN TURKEY! That is all I do, run and gun. Generally, I will be on a 4 wheeler, ride to a point, hoot, call, whatever. If I don't hear a gobble, I ride to the next. I may do this 50-60 miles a trip.

I may not kill a bird every trip, but I will usally hear alot of birds gobble...If not I had a very good 4 wheeler ride and wasn't waisting my time sitting in a blind. :)

Jeez where you hunting that you can ride 50 60 miles?lol

Seriously, I hunt the North Cumberland WMA which includes RoyalBlue, New River, brimstone, wind rock and Gobey. 50 to 60 round trip is NOTHING where I hunt. Sometimes I have to leave at 4Am to get to a hunting stop for 7AM roosting gooble time!!!
cruff10 said:
Well, i'm NOT DEER HUNTIN TURKEY! That is all I do, run and gun. Generally, I will be on a 4 wheeler, ride to a point, hoot, call, whatever. If I don't hear a gobble, I ride to the next. I may do this 50-60 miles a trip.

I may not kill a bird every trip, but I will usally hear alot of birds gobble...If not I had a very good 4 wheeler ride and wasn't waisting my time sitting in a blind. :)

Now I know who I have to race to birds each spring ;) No 4wheeler for me, just a good pair of boots and a determined attitude.

BTW having spent a ton of time in all these locales this winter, the populations seem to be off the charts. Have you seen the same?

Good luck this spring.
Setterman said:
BTW having spent a ton of time in all these locales this winter, the populations seem to be off the charts. Have you seen the same?

Good luck this spring.

Off the charts as in lots of birds or less that normal?

I have seen a fair amount for this time of year.
Loads of birds, I grouse hunt all over that part of the world and have not seen the numbers of birds like this in years. Not just turkeys in general, but longbeards. Not that, that means hunting will be any easier, but there is no shortage of them around.
I mainly hunt public land in KY which I have hunted for the past 15 or so years. I hunt on all over atleast 3 nto 4 thousand acres. I have only ran into someone once and I have heard some guys down the mountain but they never seem to attempt the hike up. :D . Youngsters.

Setterman said:
Loads of birds, I grouse hunt all over that part of the world and have not seen the numbers of birds like this in years. Not just turkeys in general, but longbeards. Not that, that means hunting will be any easier, but there is no shortage of them around.

Shhhhh....keep it quite!!!! :)
TN Deer Slayer said:
I mainly hunt public land in KY which I have hunted for the past 15 or so years. I hunt on all over atleast 3 nto 4 thousand acres. I have only ran into someone once and I have heard some guys down the mountain but they never seem to attempt the hike up. :D . Youngsters.


I bet I am one pseudo youngster who prowls the same public land as you in KY. :)
All this talk is pumping me up! i LOVE runnin and gunin whether its ft campbell,Lbl stewart state forest, or Pennyrile forest. Good luck to all you guys this season.