Saban embarrassed!!

He really ought to rethink this sports betting hobby of his 😂

I lost like 50 bucks over the weekend. That isn't going to bankrupt me.
Anyone that has ever bet more than a few bucks with their friend group knows there are good weeks and bad weeks. All it takes is about a 53% win ratio to keep your head above water. ...and one or 2 parlay wins per year can really boost your bankroll. Its all for fun.
I'm flattered that you keep a diary of my posts.
Not really a diary, but your predictions are so ridiculous and that we do screenshot them and get a good laugh in our group text. You know how some morning radio shows have a joke of the day? It's usually a toss up as to whether you or PDB will be our joke of the day.

By the way, it's been 359 days since alabama beat TENNESSEE in football. 🙂
Not really a diary, but your predictions are so ridiculous and that we do screenshot them and get a good laugh in our group text. You know how some morning radio shows have a joke of the day? It's usually a toss up as to whether you or PDB will be our joke of the day.

By the way, it's been 359 days since alabama beat TENNESSEE in football. 🙂
You know, I'm starting to think predictions aren't his strong suite.
Heupel outcoached and outschemed Saban and Golding(DC).
Why they refused to move a corner onto Hyatt after he had already burnt Hellams 2 times early is beyond me but live and learn. Should be a fun rematch in Atlanta if both stay the course.
Tip of the hat to the VFL's from a non-bandwagon Alabama fan.
Heupel outcoached and outschemed Saban and Golding(DC).
Why they refused to move a corner onto Hyatt after he had already burnt Hellams 2 times early is beyond me but live and learn.
Saban said that they put in extra DBs and still couldn't cover him. I couldn't say. I had so much anxiety during the game I couldn't focus on specific matchups. I could barely keep from passing out. 😅
Saban said that they put in extra DBs and still couldn't cover him. I couldn't say. I had so much anxiety during the game I couldn't focus on specific matchups. I could barely keep from passing out. 😅
It's a scheme thing when they're in a dime package. Heupel exploited the weakness by creating a mismatch. Hellams is the one that got burned every time🤷🏻‍♂️.
Should be a fun rematch in Atlanta if both stay the course.
It would, but I would say it's a long shot. Tennessee's only real tests should be Kentucky and UGA, but you never know. Mizzou almost beat UGA. Vandy is pitiful this year, but they always play Tennessee tough. I haven't seen SC at all. Alabama has State and Ole Miss, but you never know which of those teams will show up. Auburn and LSU always seem to play alabama tough. I'd say the odds of both teams making it to Atlanta are very slim.
I recorded the game and watched bit and pieces of it all day. Right when Alabama was bringing the field goal team on to kick the "winning field goal", it shut off :oops::oops:

My wife said "I thought you said you did the 30 min. extension"

Me: *(%&^$%#@^%$*(*&Y)P(*&(*698

Had to watch the ending on YouTube. What a game. That poor kicker for Bama. Dude needs to be put on a suicide watch list.
I lost like 50 bucks over the weekend. That isn't going to bankrupt me.
Anyone that has ever bet more than a few bucks with their friend group knows there are good weeks and bad weeks. All it takes is about a 53% win ratio to keep your head above water. ...and one or 2 parlay wins per year can really boost your bankroll. Its all for fun.
Welcome back!

They are picky about that internet access and belts while on suicide watch aren't they?

I kid, welcome back. Good on you for showin up like a man unlike others here.
Tip of the hat to the VFL's from a non-bandwagon Alabama fan.
Serious question. Not trolling: Are you from alabama? One of my closest friends has been a huge bama fan since the late 70's. I tell him he's still a bandwagon fan. He has just been on the bandwagon a long time. 😅 I cannot fathom how a born and raised Tennessean could pull for alabama. My definition of a bandwagon fan is someone that roots for a team they have no ties to, just because that team wins a lot. But, I have been told my "rules for fandom" are skewed. 😅 I will always believe if you went back in time and swapped Auburn's football history with alabama's football history, 90% of the alabama fans would be Auburn fans.
Serious question. Not trolling: Are you from alabama? One of my closest friends has been a huge bama fan since the late 70's. I tell him he's still a bandwagon fan. He has just been on the bandwagon a long time. 😅 I cannot fathom how a born and raised Tennessean could pull for alabama. My definition of a bandwagon fan is someone that roots for a team they have no ties to, just because that team wins a lot. But, I have been told my "rules for fandom" are skewed. 😅 I will always believe if you went back in time and swapped Auburn's football history with alabama's football history, 90% of the alabama fans would be Auburn fans.
Wasn't born in Alabama. My mother went to school at UofA so I was just raised right.
Been season ticket holders since 2006. Been going to games regularly since 98.
Serious question. Not trolling: Are you from alabama? One of my closest friends has been a huge bama fan since the late 70's. I tell him he's still a bandwagon fan. He has just been on the bandwagon a long time. 😅 I cannot fathom how a born and raised Tennessean could pull for alabama. My definition of a bandwagon fan is someone that roots for a team they have no ties to, just because that team wins a lot. But, I have been told my "rules for fandom" are skewed. 😅 I will always believe if you went back in time and swapped Auburn's football history with alabama's football history, 90% of the alabama fans would be Auburn fans.
The ones that get me are the ones that swear they are the biggest fan of the school but didn't go to school there, have no ties to it, never been to a game, and probably don't know what state Tuscalooser is in. But hey they're the #1 fan. This goes for all fan bases but seems bama has the most.
The ones that get me are the ones that swear they are the biggest fan of the school but didn't go to school there, have no ties to it, never been to a game, and probably don't know what state Tuscalooser is in. But hey they're the #1 fan. This goes for all fan bases but seems bama has the most.
I have some friends on Fakebook I grew up with since elementary school. They were born in memphis and raised in Tennessee. I've literally known them my whole life. They are all over Fakebook referring to alabama as we/us and Tennessee as "yall". I'm like "Seriously? You've lived in Tennessee your ENTIRE life, you went to Memphis State, you are a Memphis basketball fan, but when it comes to football and alabama it's we/us???" GTFOH with that mess.