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Safety Lines&Vest!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2002
Middle Tn
So I just bought new safety lines and safety vest to replace my old oñes, sure don't expect a fall but it happens!I hope everyone takes their safety seriously.I noticed on eBay people trying to sell their old ones,Id never try to get someone to buy old vest because you know they're buying new ones because their old ones are old!
I've got a couple stands I haven't been able to get to. I won't hunt them till I put new ratchet straps on the top.
This was a climber. I was 16" to the bottom portion and when the strap broke I pitched over the side. My feet weren't in the stirrups but the monkey tail and lanyard was attached to the tree. It caught under my arm out and my feet were nearly off the platform. I pulled myself up. I had rope burn and bruising, plus the bark burn from bear hugging down the tree.

Turns out that model climber had been recalled.
Just purchased a new vest and cables for my summit, I replace my vest every three years. I just use the basic model Muddy Magnum Pro or the Hunter safety System X1, $70 every three years is worth it to me. Personally I have had the bottom fall on me when climbing up. Luckily I was sitting on the shooting rest on the top portion when it happened and I had the top and bottom platform tied off to each other. Still a PITA to recover but it showed me the importance of being strapped in.
Just purchased a new vest and cables for my summit, I replace my vest every three years. I just use the basic model Muddy Magnum Pro or the Hunter safety System X1, $70 every three years is worth it to me. Personally I have had the bottom fall on me when climbing up. Luckily I was sitting on the shooting rest on the top portion when it happened and I had the top and bottom platform tied off to each other. Still a PITA to recover but it showed me the importance of being strapped in.
Tie a rope or bungee from the top portion and attach it to the bottom. Make sure it's long enough not to interfere with your climb. It won't fall again.
Tie a rope or bungee from the top portion and attach it to the bottom. Make sure it's long enough not to interfere with your climb. It won't fall again.

Tie a rope or bungee from the top portion and attach it to the bottom. Make sure it's long enough not to interfere with your climb. It won't fall again.
No the top and bottom were tied off. But it slipped on the bark. It was still a pain and taught me that it's always important to be tied into the tree is what I meant.

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