Salt lick homemade deer cane

2 parts dicalcium phosphate with 1 part trace mineral salt. I put that out because MSU Deer Labs recommended it and they don't push any brands to my knowledge. It's a good read too where they talk about the minerals and how they play a part in mobilization. I do that right after season and then again in may/june. Then I add trophy rocks because they are easy and, as the pictures from previous posts would suggest, deer hammer em! Whoever said they dissolve fast if you throw them in an established mineral site or just on the ground wasn't lying either! I may look at adding a stump in the middle of my mineral sites just so they don't disappear in 2-3 weeks
I like putting on a stump for sure, been doing that ever since I first got Trophy Rock from Joe when he first started promoting it. Trace mineral salt from TSC works great also. 50 lb bag is like $8. I use trophy rock mostly but when I couldn't buy it from Joe in bulk anymore, I have been using trace mineral from TSC and they seem to like it for sure.
My salt licks (some 15 years old) are almost 20 inches deep, so I HAVE to set them on a cedar stump or they will melt away in 6 weeks.
This site was only 5 or 6 years into being a salt lick. It started as a 3-4-foot-tall mound of red clay pulled up by a root wad. I put the Trophy Rock at the highest point. Over the years it turned into a pit a couple of feet deep. Those deer sure ate a lot of dirt!


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