Same buck???

I don't know why he lost so much antler growth but I think it is the same deer he has a little bend on the tip both years on his right g2
thicketmaster said:
I don't know why he lost so much antler growth but I think it is the same deer he has a little bend on the tip both years on his right g2

Very common for a buck past his prime to not only lose antler size but also body size. In hardwood regions, it is common for bucks to produce maximum antler score at only 4 1/2, losing tine and beam length (but gaining mass) with each following year.
Thanks BSK, I knew they could lose antler size, but I figured body size would continue to rise, that's the main reason I thought different deer. But as you pointed out where was "this" deer last year and "last year's" deer this year... so I've came to conclusion of same deer, unless we get pics showing otherwise.
Interesting for sure but body conformation tells me possibly different deer. This yrs buck just doesn't look to be an old age past prime deer. I agree it could very well be the same buck, but if so he went to heck in a handbasket in the antler dept, yet appears to still be healthy bodywise! I hope you get more pics to analyze. I cant see the kicker on the right base on this pc?
Winchester said:
Interesting for sure but body conformation tells me possibly different deer. This yrs buck just doesn't look to be an old age past prime deer. I agree it could very well be the same buck, but if so he went to heck in a handbasket in the antler dept, yet appears to still be healthy bodywise! I hope you get more pics to analyze. I cant see the kicker on the right base on this pc?

Yea, it's hard to believe he would lose that much... who knows. I just hope we can get him on the ground. No one even seen him last year so we'll see how this year goes. If you look at the last picture, just inches above his head, it looks like the antlers are grown together, it is a kicker of his right main beam just above the base. In the picture above the last one you can see that it actually points back a little. It's hard to see but its there. Either way he's a good deer for our area I think.