Sarah Fuller @ Vandy

This just gets more bizarre. She was named SEC co-special teams player of the week for kicking a 2nd half kickoff that gave the opposing team great field position. A simple kick into the endzone would have given them 10 yards worse field position. Missouri kicked a field Goal 10 plays later.

She also apparently addressed the team at half time(before ever even playing).

edit...By the way I am not criticizing Sarah....but this whole story seems contrived.
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Always have to have a backup to the last option. I applaud Vandy for the effort. Coaches are destined for failure in certain school's sports programs though.

That is part of what makes the story seem contrived. She wasn't their last option. A punter uas used in the game 7 times. Surely he could have kicked the football more than 30 yards.
It would be interesting to know what accommodations she's been given in the locker rooms.
Its beyond ridiculous. It's shameful. Girls can and should be able to accomplish things based on merit not contrived hype.
Agreed but if the team has someone available then what's the point in bringing her in?
She got savaged after retweeting a short video of her supposedly kicking a near full field soccer kick during a game with TN. Someone else posted a different angle and it showed she was at the circle, almost mid field, and it was about a 50-55 yard kick. No where near 100+ yards.
It WAS accurately placed to one of her teammates, and Vandy did score.
Vandy players considering opting out of the final game at Georgia:

vandy is trying to spin it, but in the light of multiple reports such as the one above, it's pretty obvious the other players don't want to be used as props in a virtue-signaling dog and pony show:

vanderbilt-Georgia game postponed due to commodores' player shortage

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