School me on 410's

i love the 410. My oldest bought 1 . Now everybody in the family has killed 1 with it. Like carrying a red ryder
Plenty of kill in it out to 50yrds. We don't use it to say we did it w a 410
We use it because there is almost no boom
No kick
And really no reason to use anything else to kill a turkey ..
my 8 yr old killed 1 at 43 w it .
I killed 1 at 48
We've killed over a dz w it
Haven't missed or lost any w it
That's my primary turkey gun.
I have a Tri-Star viper g2. Jeb's xx choke shooting rogue ammo. Topped with a Burris ff 3. It will more than do the job.
I got my son a 301 the factory choke with apex 9.5 shot does pretty well. I put a code black turkey choke in it and it tightened it up pretty well. The bad thing about 410's are they can be finicky from gun to gun , load to load and so on .
My suggestion to you would be watch blue collar outdoors on YouTube. All they do are pattern testing. They have a lot on 410's.
I would get some quality TSS hand loads. Weather it be rouge, apex or whatever you like or can afford. I'd probably try the factory full or x full first with some cheaper TSS , I've heard the hearters brand from Bass pro is decent.
TRU Glo makes an aim point called a gobble stopper, that's what I put on my son's 301. It's cheap but it works. You'll more than likely need/ want an optic shooting TSS. Point of impact and aim suck on most shotguns.
The sickness of Turkey Guns are you always want to try different loads or chokes to try to get the pattern better.
If you can get a good even pattern out to 35/40 yards that consistent and your happy with don't go any further.
I'm the world's worst about trying to always improve my pattern. I have to restrain myself every season not start buying new loads and chokes.
Good luck.
After looking at TSS ammo, I just don't think I'm gonna be able to stomach paying $6+/round for 410 lol
Literally the cheapest part of the hunt but the most important. License , gas, clothes,calls, guns and worked missed, the tss is the cheapest thing i use
After looking at TSS ammo, I just don't think I'm gonna be able to stomach paying $6+/round for 410 lol
This was wearing on me too. However, I had to write it all down and just look at it from a logical standpoint. Like knight rider said, the TSS isn't that big of a part in the overall budget. I hate spending money and when I do I try my best to make it as meaningful as possible.
Once you realize you can a buy a butterball turkey at Kroger cheaper than going to hunt one, no matter if you use TSS or not, the perspective changes a bit.

Use target loads to get the gun on paper, broken in and to get in some range time.
I do have some Winchester xx diamond turkey loads ordered for the .410. I'm going to experiment and see how they pattern at 25 yards as I rarely shoot birds 30 yards and beyond.
This was wearing on me too. However, I had to write it all down and just look at it from a logical standpoint. Like knight rider said, the TSS isn't that big of a part in the overall budget. I hate spending money and when I do I try my best to make it as meaningful as possible.
Once you realize you can a buy a butterball turkey at Kroger cheaper than going to hunt one, no matter if you use TSS or not, the perspective changes a bit.

Use target loads to get the gun on paper, broken in and to get in some range time.
I do have some Winchester xx diamond turkey loads ordered for the .410. I'm going to experiment and see how they pattern at 25 yards as I rarely shoot birds 30 yards and beyond.
I literally ordered a box of the same today. They have good reviews. $13 for 10 rounds is pretty manageable.
After looking at TSS ammo, I just don't think I'm gonna be able to stomach paying $6+/round for 410 lol

TOTALLY get it to be honest. However A they are much cheaper than 20gauge or 12 TSS loads. Also ive always looked at it like this. The limit is 2 birds so even if I hunted with a 410 all the time, that box of 10 would last me 4 years IF I limited out each year (8 shells left after sighting it in and patterning with 2 of them)

For me comes out to like $8 per bird for the 4 year stretch which in the scope of everything else I spend money on turkey hunting is pretty cheap.

if you REALLY REALLY get into turkey hunting with 410 and other gauges then just look into reloading your own to reduce that number while also giving you more options. Initial cost for reloading is pretty high but find a buddy to split that cost with and you are in the money.
If 30-40 bucks a yr scares you prob time to stop hunting. I spend more than that driving to my spots in a season. Way more
Heck that's cheaper than what I spend on breakfast during turkey season
If 30-40 bucks a yr scares you prob time to stop hunting. I spend more than that driving to my spots in a season. Way more
Heck that's cheaper than what I spend on breakfast during turkey season
I didnt get where I'm at in life on making poor financial decisions and wasting money. I'm what you call a tight wad when it comes to my money. When I spend money, I make dang sure it's worth it and there isn't any other cheaper alternatives. We are talking about killing a bird here, not T-rex. 😆
I didnt get where I'm at in life on making poor financial decisions and wasting money. I'm what you call a tight wad when it comes to my money. When I spend money, I make dang sure it's worth it and there isn't any other cheaper alternatives. We are talking about killing a bird here, not T-rex. 😆

If you're using a 410 for turkeys and plan on shooting over 25yds with confidence there is no alternative to TSS.

I'm tight with money too but the best ammo I can use for the 2-3 shots a year I'm going to take is not where I'm saving a penny.

Are you guys the absolute cheapest .410 shogun they make?

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