Season Goals

I usually just make sure I'm clean as can be (within reason) and my clothes are clean. I don't worry too much about scent free soaps or cover scents or keeping my clothes in a scent free tote, nothing like that. Scent control is one of those diminishing returns kind of things, meaning the basic stuff gets the most result and everything beyond only gets minimal gains. At least that's been my experience. That said, I do pay close attention to sniff my harness, backpack, etc. before leaving for a sit because those things absorb stink and hold it. I spray them and my boots down with scent spray. Otherwise that's the extent of my scent control.
That is about all I do too - just make sure neither my clothes nor I are stinky. Otherwise, I have two stands. I pick the one that will work best with the wind that morning.
#1 is for my kids to have a great season. Hope my son kills a buck bigger then any he has before. If my 9 y/o daughter decides to go, she kills her first.
#2 is for my dad to get a good buck of my property I bought a few years back. His health is going down, so he doesn't hunt as much.
#3 is to get at least 1 deer for me. That will make 26 straight years I've killed one.
Goals are for me to be more humbly thankful to the Lord for being in a country were I can go hunting . Would like to kill a really good buck ony property, killed a few on it but not a really good one . Would hope everyone gets a chance at what they are after and most of all come home the way they left ! Also hope all the youngsters have success weather it be a good buck or a small good eating doe . Hope that everyone congrats those that are fortunate to kill a deer and not bad mouth it for it is a trophy to the one who killed it . Come home alive and well !!
I usually just make sure I'm clean as can be (within reason) and my clothes are clean. I don't worry too much about scent free soaps or cover scents or keeping my clothes in a scent free tote, nothing like that. Scent control is one of those diminishing returns kind of things, meaning the basic stuff gets the most result and everything beyond only gets minimal gains. At least that's been my experience. That said, I do pay close attention to sniff my harness, backpack, etc. before leaving for a sit because those things absorb stink and hold it. I spray them and my boots down with scent spray. Otherwise that's the extent of my scent control.

My goal this year is to crank up the effort & aggressiveness a bit. This past season was a bit lackluster and it had me daydreaming of bygone seasons when I worked hard to make things happen. I've gotten so lax with my hunts anymore that it's almost like I expect the dang bucks to come offering themselves at my feet for sacrifice. I think I gotta knock the rust off and start hunting again.
This is a great post and one I feel I needed to hear and apply myself. I have gotten lazy and want to get back in the game so to speak.
Get a picture of me and my grandfather in the woods together. Even better if one of us has blood on our hands in the photo.
Do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is the last one I have of me and my gramps together in the woods (about 1992) and I cherish it. Gramps.jpg
Kill at least 3 deer for the freezer is always the starting goal.

Hunt in the woods more and less on the field edges. Kill a deer on public. Kill a buck with my crossbow.
Get my oldest son his first buck. Any buck will do.
Take my younger son on his first hunt.
Kill my #1 target buck.
Shoot some does with my bow before MZ.
Find a shooter on my other lease that I have zero on camera...
Give thanks for every day I get to spend outdoors!
I am going to the dr and asking for hydro chloroquine and ivermectin for my usual November covid acquisition. The last two years I have had this crap and ruined the best part of hunting. I desperately need some alone time in the woods of west tn. I pray it is not too much to ask.
Good luck! What part of W TN if you don't mind me asking? I own property in Gibson/Crockett county that we hunt. Lots of swamp land and crop land. Always good potential for big bucks with that kind of habitat

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