Seasons End

Grizzly Johnson

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2008
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Well this crazy season is finally over.... something about this season was poor for me than years past. Maybe it was the up & down weather I don't know.... but it was pitiful.

If not for a good friend (Big B) having us out for some private land hunts, this household would have been at a ZERO. Public land sucked as the birds were almost mute..... other private land was a let-down with no evidence of holding birds.

I sure hope next spring is back to normal.... otherwise I may be investing in another spring activity.....

But my main goal was accomplished, got Mrs. Grizzly her second turkey ever:


And I took a couple of hard earned birds thanks again to Big B and a few custom calls:



And my bonus thanks to Yotehntr:


My best time in the woods is spent with my wife:

Gravey said:
Congrats on a good season. I have that same seat and it is the most comfortable one out there.

The ONE and RNT was talking about it, RNT had one to sit in and I decided to try it.... will be getting another one for sure so Mrs. G. & I can each have one.... very comfortable for waits!!!

Beekeeper said:
Looks as if you had a good season!! Congrats.

Yes Sir, beats going home empty handed every time.... that's for sure!!!

Swamphunter said:
Good season whether you realize it or not! Congrats. It's great to see you and your wife hunting together.

That's the best part of all....
Enjoyed the time spent with you family members this spring,from the looks of things we left a good crop for next year.I had some of my most memorable hunt's ever with you this spring,and feel like we really earned the burds we got,lot of time spent scouting,riding,and just good times spent with family.I hate I couldn't hunt this weekend but gotta pay the bills.
Congrats Jeremy I have to get back up in Woodpile Territory next season myself, I missed it this year, coulda gone this weekend but couldnt make it, Scott left the door open!
big B said:
Enjoyed the time spent with you family members this spring,from the looks of things we left a good crop for next year.I had some of my most memorable hunt's ever with you this spring,and feel like we really earned the burds we got,lot of time spent scouting,riding,and just good times spent with family.I hate I couldn't hunt this weekend but gotta pay the bills.

I don't know what it is about hunting with you, but it seems when we come up to hunt, the hunts ALWAYS turn out to be nothing short of spectacular!!! I mean every hunt had some element that made it abnormal..... Thanks for having us and enjoyed the hunting/family time.... see you guys again soon.
Congrats man and looks like a pretty good season to me. Sorry public land did not work out for you... they sure weren't mute on the public land I hunted.

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