Seek one…. Perspective

Agreed. Chasing big old bucks for me is all about the challenge. If it were easy I wouldn't be interested. And the antlers only mean something to me if they represent an accomplishment, such as killing a buck that outsmarted every other hunter for years before me. Hunting deer that dont get hunted and are desensitized to humans just doesn't appeal to me regardless of antler size.
100%. EVERY deer I kill has a story and I don't ever want one to start with... "I was sitting in their backyard waiting for him to show up like he does every day"....
Social media has given people a false sense of what 90% of hunting is really all about! Both good and bad result from this, but imo its like 90% negative in the long run for our Livelihood!!!
You're being too nice by saying social media is only 90% negative in terms of how it is affecting hunting, especially for future generations.

I can think of so many negatives that result from doing everything for social media likes and money, but I can't think of a single positive. Not one single positive impact on hunting, especially for those of us stuck with only public land hunting, from SeekOne, THP, anybody posting videos all over social media of hunting.

What solutions have you haters brought?

The only thing I see is you man-karens going on and on and on. It's tiresome. The irony - which is evidently, completely lost on you ladies- is, they have a business; their success is based off clicks and attention. Most of you haters can't help but keep their name out there. There's always a seek one thread on the first page or two. Most of the haters have watched their shows. And listened to their podcasts. 😂

So ring that bell if you want, shout it from the rooftops. That's fine. Don't be shy about taking a little credit for their success too, you man-karens deserve it.
I'm sure they have room for 1 more in that picture go join them. Mind boggling that a few idiots on here are still defending these clowns.
This coming from the guy who is seemingly ready to fight anyone in the political forum who doesn't sing daddy T's praises. Talk about irony...

Do us all a favor and go troll a different forum.

Fair enough.

This place stopped being fun for me awhile ago. It's dominated by cliques and group-think. Guys doing putter jokes and texting themselves at the same time like school girls.

I expected and wanted more from the group and I was wrong. That's on me.

You guys can have it. Honestly, I'm not cut out for it. Enjoy the echo chamber and empty drivel.

In before

Peace out
You're being too nice by saying social media is only 90% negative in terms of how it is affecting hunting, especially for future generations.

I can think of so many negatives that result from doing everything for social media likes and money, but I can't think of a single positive. Not one single positive impact on hunting, especially for those of us stuck with only public land hunting, from SeekOne, THP, anybody posting videos all over social media of hunting.

I mean more people hunting means more tags sold, more gear sold which part of the money goes to conservation plus aware for new hunters. That's all bonuses my guy. Hunting has largely been in a decline which isn't great for hunters now and in the future. If we don't bring in new hunters we will be towards the end of hunting in general. Gun people see this as we love to hate on the guntubers but fail to realize they make shooting appeal to younger generations which gets them involved in shooting. You may not like it but it means that we now have another voice on the group not ok with stripping gun rights away.

It sounds like your biggest bit ch is they post on social media and it's making the "public land" we all pay to hunt slightly more crowded. Sounds pretty selfish.
Never watched one of his videos. Did look him up on you tube. He has over 700,000 subscribers. With endorsements and selling merchandise. The guy could make well over $150,000 a year. He does not care. It is all about the money. He should leave those city deer alone before it goes horribly wrong. Somebody gets shot by him. A wounded deer stomps somebody to death. Strange accidents happen every single day. He should go out in the country where the odds of something going wrong are less. He can make videos in the country. He may lose subscribers but it would be less risky for society.

What solutions have you haters brought?

The only thing I see is you man-karens going on and on and on. It's tiresome. The irony - which is evidently, completely lost on you ladies- is, they have a business; their success is based off clicks and attention. Most of you haters can't help but keep their name out there. There's always a seek one thread on the first page or two. Most of the haters have watched their shows. And listened to their podcasts. 😂

So ring that bell if you want, shout it from the rooftops. That's fine. Don't be shy about taking a little credit for their success too, you man-karens deserve it.
You can take off the kneepads batten_down. I'm sure ol' Seek One is drained by now.
I mean more people hunting means more tags sold, more gear sold which part of the money goes to conservation plus aware for new hunters. That's all bonuses my guy. Hunting has largely been in a decline which isn't great for hunters now and in the future. If we don't bring in new hunters we will be towards the end of hunting in general. Gun people see this as we love to hate on the guntubers but fail to realize they make shooting appeal to younger generations which gets them involved in shooting. You may not like it but it means that we now have another voice on the group not ok with stripping gun rights away.

It sounds like your biggest bit ch is they post on social media and it's making the "public land" we all pay to hunt slightly more crowded. Sounds pretty selfish.
Where has hunting been in decline? I keep hearing this, mostly from people who stand to benefit financially from new hunters, but I've never been anywhere and seen fewer hunters in WMAs over the relatively short time I've been hunting. Nor have I seen less competition for private land access. And I don't know anyone who's been hunting for a few decades and says, "Man there just aren't near as many hunters here as there used to be". They're all saying the exact opposite.

I just attended some meetings about wild turkey management and some of the data was the huge increase in turkey hunters over the last 20 years.

To be honest I don't even know how to address the "selfish" comment without being a bit rude but I'm going to do my best because it's silly to get into bickering online and it's not something I'll take part in. I never said I didn't want anyone new getting into hunting. What I don't want is them getting into hunting because they want to be the next social media superstar. God isn't making anymore hardwood habitat and we don't need it crowded with more dorks bringing 3 cameras along.

The number of available acres to hunt per hunter is decreasing rapidly, for many reasons. So, yes, relentlessly trying to drum up interest in hunting solely for the purpose of financial gain, with no regard to how it could impact opportunity and enjoyment for future generations is irresponsible. Why continue to aggressively attempt to increase the number of people using a finite, and dwindling resource?

If that makes me, "selfish", then I guess I've been called selfish by a stranger. I'll sleep fine.
I mean more people hunting means more tags sold, more gear sold which part of the money goes to conservation plus aware for new hunters. That's all bonuses my guy. Hunting has largely been in a decline which isn't great for hunters now and in the future. If we don't bring in new hunters we will be towards the end of hunting in general. Gun people see this as we love to hate on the guntubers but fail to realize they make shooting appeal to younger generations which gets them involved in shooting. You may not like it but it means that we now have another voice on the group not ok with stripping gun rights away.

It sounds like your biggest bit ch is they post on social media and it's making the "public land" we all pay to hunt slightly more crowded. Sounds pretty selfish.
Getting young people involved in hunting because they've watched Seek One videos and think his unethic behavior is OK and even cool? That will end hunting (and rightfully so) much faster than any slow decline in hunter recruitment will. Even if that problem is actually real, and I'm not sure it is.
Where has hunting been in decline? I keep hearing this, mostly from people who stand to benefit financially from new hunters, but I've never been anywhere and seen fewer hunters in WMAs over the relatively short time I've been hunting. Nor have I seen less competition for private land access. And I don't know anyone who's been hunting for a few decades and says, "Man there just aren't near as many hunters here as there used to be". They're all saying the exact opposite.

I just attended some meetings about wild turkey management and some of the data was the huge increase in turkey hunters over the last 20 years.

To be honest I don't even know how to address the "selfish" comment without being a bit rude but I'm going to do my best because it's silly to get into bickering online and it's not something I'll take part in. I never said I didn't want anyone new getting into hunting. What I don't want is them getting into hunting because they want to be the next social media superstar. God isn't making anymore hardwood habitat and we don't need it crowded with more dorks bringing 3 cameras along.

The number of available acres to hunt per hunter is decreasing rapidly, for many reasons. So, yes, relentlessly trying to drum up interest in hunting solely for the purpose of financial gain, with no regard to how it could impact opportunity and enjoyment for future generations is irresponsible. Why continue to aggressively attempt to increase the number of people using a finite, and dwindling resource?

If that makes me, "selfish", then I guess I've been called selfish by a stranger. I'll sleep fine.

I have nothing to gain from new hunter's financially. I work in the automotive market so zero market opportunities. I am a passionate hunter who knows we need new hunters in order to continue to hunt.

Nevertheless here:

"Since 1960, the actual number of hunters has increased until peaking at 16.7 million in 1982, after which it began to decline. The numbers started to climb again after 2010 but remain well below the 1982 peak. In 2020 there were 15.2 million hunters in the U.S."

When I took my hunter safety course in 2010 they were explaining that hunting was on the decline. 1st example that popped up source below. 1960, the actual number,million hunters in the U.S.
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Most of these non-profits have to push the R3 agenda because that's what their sponsors want. Because their sponsors make money off new hunters.

We literally just had meetings here regarding turkey population.

Go to the 8:55 mark and you'll see over the last 40 years we went from 20k turkey hunters to 50k in South Carolina.

You'll never convince me that the number of hunters for ducks and deer aren't on a very similar trajectory all over the country. Especially in the Southeast. We are not losing hunter numbers.
Getting young people involved in hunting because they've watched Seek One videos and think his unethic behavior is OK and even cool? That will end hunting (and rightfully so) much faster than any slow decline in hunter recruitment will. Even if that problem is actually real, and I'm not sure it is.
Think back to something you watch on YouTube. Are you only watching one person content? No and new people won't as well. Stop being so dense and thinking that because someone watches these guys it will make them bad hunters.
Most of these non-profits have to push the R3 agenda because that's what their sponsors want. Because their sponsors make money off new hunters.

We literally just had meetings here regarding turkey population.

Go to the 8:55 mark and you'll see over the last 40 years we went from 20k turkey hunters to 50k in South Carolina.

You'll never convince me that the number of hunters for ducks and deer aren't on a very similar trajectory all over the country. Especially in the Southeast. We are not losing hunter numbers.

Most of these non-profits have to push the R3 agenda because that's what their sponsors want. Because their sponsors make money off new hunters.

We literally just had meetings here regarding turkey population.

Go to the 8:55 mark and you'll see over the last 40 years we went from 20k turkey hunters to 50k in South Carolina.

You'll never convince me that the number of hunters for ducks and deer aren't on a very similar trajectory all over the country. Especially in the Southeast. We are not losing hunter numbers.

So I can only go off your sources? I'm just saying hunting thanks to SM has started to regain some ground but still well below what it was in the 80s. We will benefit from this boom but like anything we will also have a few bad eggs. are taking up,over the last two decades.
I'm well aware of all these, "the sky is falling, we're losing hunting" articles.

My question is still the same - where do you actually see a decrease in hunters? Lease prices are going up, yet they still become more crowded, they still have guys on wait lists to get in, people get bought out by a higher bidder, WMAs are exponentially getting more crowded every year, draw odds continue to decrease on Western hunts. In some Western states even residents can't draw tags they used to draw every year. Has BLM land disappeared out West? Of course not, there are just thousands more people applying for those tags because.... hunter numbers are not declining.

How about fishing? Been to the Caney Fork lately? Every trip we make back to Tennessee I try to make a trip there with my buddy, and former member, Catman. We have a blast fishing that river but every dang time we go, we see more kayaks with fishermen, and more fishermen wading or bank fishing.

If hunter numbers are decreasing, why is there a new "outfitter" popping up in the Midwest in every pothole charging outrageous rates per gun to hunt ducks or snow geese and constantly booked up? Wouldn't all these guys be going out of business?
Think back to something you watch on YouTube. Are you only watching one person content? No and new people won't as well. Stop being so dense and thinking that because someone watches these guys it will make them bad hunters.
Watching them won't necessarily make them bad hunters, but hunting like them would l make them bad hunters.
Watching them won't necessarily make them bad hunters, but hunting like them would l make them bad hunters.

In a few instances you would be right. Most people watching them, meat eater, THP, element, etc are going to be good hunters would be my guess.

Those who would take kills unethically would still do it even if they never heard of seek 1 because they're yugo people. I like to have a little more faith in the average hunter.