Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

Headhunter did the same to me some time last year. All because I debated his comment of him saying "mature deer won't walk in front of a trail camera". He PM'd me calling me an idiot and called me a Liberal and said he was blocking me. IDK why he insisted on telling me he was blocking me and just didn't do it.
So are you telling me that's why I don't have big bucks? Well I guess I'll go take down all my cameras and start shooting 190" bucks lol
I'm no KVD but I see a pattern here.


Don't check out of here because of that. Most folks on here know what direction the wind blows.

You are probably the biggest "success" story from this site. Watching your growth over the years has been simply amazing. It has certainly tempered my dislike of social media in watching you substitute the media in place of a mentor. I'm not sure you would be where you are without TNDeer and some of its help along the way. Plus, of course, the tremendous work ethic you have always shown.

Grab another beer and keep your seat around the campfire. You are very welcomed by the vast majority of this site.
