Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

So the trick to getting a city deer is to smell like a normal non-hunting person and not smell like a hunter? Do away with all the scent free soaps, sprays, and clothes and just smell like any other urbanite?
I'd say deer living around houses are used and know the scent or the locals and can te when that scent has entered an area that it doesn't usually. They're deer…. They adapt. And they spend more time patterning people than we do them.
Few people
Know that one of the largest deer to ever come out of Tennessee was killed smack in the middle of a golf course/subdivision. I've seen it's pic shown on here dozens of times after it was killed and made the magazine rounds and everyone applauding it. Lol
Did the person that killed it act like they did something spectacular?
Few people
Know that one of the largest deer to ever come out of Tennessee was killed smack in the middle of a golf course/subdivision. I've seen it's pic shown on here dozens of times after it was killed and made the magazine rounds and everyone applauding it. Lol
Sounds like it was a great spot for a person who had access!
Did the person that killed it act like they did something spectacular?
He got Endorsements and made the expo rounds.
I'd say killing any mature buck legally and/or doing it routinely is "spectacular"…. If you don't, then that's your opinion. Feel free to continue to be wrong.
You have clearly never hiked anywhere outside the city park you dream about hunting in.
The AT is in my backyard. I've been over many miles of it. It's become a hangout for druggies , the mentally ill, and people who change their gender more than they do their underwear while eating their $15 dehydrated meals cooked on their $150 rocket stoves, sipping on their lattes in their $49 Patagonia thermos pretending to be "one with the trail". Lol
The AT is in my backyard. I've been over many miles of it. It's become a hangout for druggies , the mentally ill, and people who change their gender more than they do their underwear while eating their $15 dehydrated meals cooked on their $150 rocket stoves, sipping on their lattes in their $49 Patagonia thermos pretending to be "one with the trail". Lol
You just defined seekone if they had a hiking channel. Well done.
Few people
Know that one of the largest deer to ever come out of Tennessee was killed smack in the middle of a golf course/subdivision. I've seen it's pic shown on here dozens of times after it was killed and made the magazine rounds and everyone applauding it. Lol
Can you find that pic i would like to see it.
Can you find that pic i would like to see it.
I will borrow your line..."just keep your pie hole shut when you feel the need to make an idiot of yourself."
And yet you keep're the one who felt the need to belittle complete strangers for their successful hunts. You're a narcissist. You need professional help. Animosity and jealousy and he need to project it on social
Media towards strangers is your screams for help. I hope you get it soon.

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