Seeks competent archery shop in Lebanon/Nashville

JandSCattleCo said:
titansfan2104 said:
TNDeerGuy said:
This is odd, I was just talking to my wife tonight about the possibilty of opening up a archery shop around here eventually. We are absolutely hurting around here for a good bowsmith. While Jeremy isn't bad, we really need someone that will take their time and set their ego aside and setup/tune bows correctly. That is why I am working on getting my own press�I'm sick and tired of everyone "eyeballing" stuff and calling it good with the only tools they use�a set of allen wrenches, a press, outdated knowledge/methods and over-inflated egos.
100% agree.. they should vice it, level it and make sure everything is in perfect alignment... I can't stand for them to eyeball it and say." Ready to go" ... I.feel like if your gonna do it right, Do it right the first time. They should have a standard procedure for every bow they set up regardless of make or model and where it was purchased and put the time and effort into each as if it was their own bow. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels like I get treated like that. If I find.a shop that will put that kind of time into me and my bow when I'm willing to spend money, they will have a life long customer as long as they do good work!!!!

Ya'll both must have had bad days there. Jeremy has never NOT done me right in regards to my bow. To each their own. He is the only person that I will let work on my bow anymore.
I have never dealt with jeremy or the archery den, I guess i should have said I 99% agree :) as I have only heard good things bout them!
I'm lucky , Crackers , the tuning guru on Archerytalk is about an hour from where I live here in KC . I haven't been there yet because I learned to do my own bow setup and tuning years ago . I'm not an expert , but I tune a bow to suit my needs and they shoot well in my hands .
Good archery shops are hard to find anywhere , and the good ones are usually too crowded to spend too much time on one setup to get it perfect . To get that perfect tune from a bow , it takes a little DIY time to dial them in . Paper tuning is just a starter , you then have to walk back tune and then group tune broadheads . That takes time .
Learn to set up and tune your own bow , it's not rocket science . With the amount of guys buying bows and accessories online these days , there will be very few proshops in business in the future. That is reality .
roger said:
If you feel like driving a bit Jeremy at Archery Den in franklin has always done right by me. He is not too far from 840.

been there and done some shooting. Marty help me and answer all my question. wish i had the money
x2 for now i'll have to stick with my old school browning lighting.
I had been a loyal customer of Joe's at Hermitage Archery for many years, and really hated to hear of his retirement. Looking for a new "home", I recently took my bow to the Archery Den for them to install a new string, new peep, D-loop, etc. I will put the old string in my tackle box that travels with me in case of a major screwup on my part.

I picked the bow up today, and was very pleased with their work. I had to make one slight poundage adjustment to put it back to where it was, and tried it out. The peep was in exactly the right place, and it still shot bullseyes at 30 yards for me. I'll do the paper and walk-back tuning over the weekend.

I was treated great down there, and will be a return customer.
TNDeerGuy said:
UTGrad said:
I will tell you that Jeremy does excellent work. He has set up 3 bows from scratch for me and they all shot bullets through paper and group at 40 yards plus. Remember he is pretty much the only person in the shop most of the time and when there are 4-5 guys needing work you have to wait your turn, but he will help. I am not sure about the attitude and ego part, he has always treated me with respect. Now I have seen some guys come into the shop and act like real jerks. Jeremy acts a lot nicer than I would with those people. Let me add he is absolutely killing it on the bow sales. He is a top 30 nationwide Mathews retailer.
On my Reezen, which I took in for a quick warranty issue, he "eyeballed" my setup (which is per Mathews specs and was shooting great because I have been down this road before) and he said he could make it better--I knew better but told him to go ahead. He got his allen wrench out and started looking and moving things, not once did he take a measurement, use a square or anything else for that matter. After him completing everything I asked to shoot it through paper and he said he was out. Upon getting home I shot it through paper and discovered I had a major tear and extreme idler lean and couldn't hold a group worth anything (the idler track should have been 1/8 off of the string at the nocking point-after he got through it was 1/4" past the string)- my rest was 14/16ths off of the riser (should be between 11/16ths to 13/16ths). When I say ego I'm not referring to attitude, I'm referring to the types that think they are all-knowing and above using squares, levels and measuring tapes--the basic tools of any archer. I was the only one in there and we had very pleasant conversation, so that wasn't it. I have since moved the rest back where I originally had it and untwisted the yoke cable, which straightened out the idler and I'm now back to shooting 3" groups at 50yds. This is the second time I have been through this with him. Is he a very nice guy and a pleasant person to do business with, YES he is! Is he someone I would let work on my bow, because it was given back to me properly tuned and setup, never again!

I'm glad, and grateful on your behalf, that you have had good experiences with him. As far as him being Top 30 in the country in unit sales--good for him, but that just proves the point that anyone can sell anything (especially when you have a great product and no competition), look at Bass Pro as an example, but it takes a special type to Earn the title Bowsmith in my opinion, and I stand behind the underlying theme of this entire thread--we are dying around here, especially North and East, for a good bowsmith. :)

If you could do all of this yourself, WHY did you take it there in the first place?
JandSCattleCo said:
TNDeerGuy said:
UTGrad said:
I will tell you that Jeremy does excellent work. He has set up 3 bows from scratch for me and they all shot bullets through paper and group at 40 yards plus. Remember he is pretty much the only person in the shop most of the time and when there are 4-5 guys needing work you have to wait your turn, but he will help. I am not sure about the attitude and ego part, he has always treated me with respect. Now I have seen some guys come into the shop and act like real jerks. Jeremy acts a lot nicer than I would with those people. Let me add he is absolutely killing it on the bow sales. He is a top 30 nationwide Mathews retailer.
On my Reezen, [color:#FF0000]which I took in for a quick warranty issue[/color], he "eyeballed" my setup (which is per Mathews specs and was shooting great because I have been down this road before) and he said he could make it better--I knew better but told him to go ahead. He got his allen wrench out and started looking and moving things, not once did he take a measurement, use a square or anything else for that matter. After him completing everything I asked to shoot it through paper and he said he was out. Upon getting home I shot it through paper and discovered I had a major tear and extreme idler lean and couldn't hold a group worth anything (the idler track should have been 1/8 off of the string at the nocking point-after he got through it was 1/4" past the string)- my rest was 14/16ths off of the riser (should be between 11/16ths to 13/16ths). When I say ego I'm not referring to attitude, I'm referring to the types that think they are all-knowing and above using squares, levels and measuring tapes--the basic tools of any archer. I was the only one in there and we had very pleasant conversation, so that wasn't it. I have since moved the rest back where I originally had it and untwisted the yoke cable, which straightened out the idler and I'm now back to shooting 3" groups at 50yds. This is the second time I have been through this with him. Is he a very nice guy and a pleasant person to do business with, YES he is! Is he someone I would let work on my bow, because it was given back to me properly tuned and setup, never again!

I'm glad, and grateful on your behalf, that you have had good experiences with him. As far as him being Top 30 in the country in unit sales--good for him, but that just proves the point that anyone can sell anything (especially when you have a great product and no competition), look at Bass Pro as an example, but it takes a special type to Earn the title Bowsmith in my opinion, and I stand behind the underlying theme of this entire thread--we are dying around here, especially North and East, for a good bowsmith. :)

If you could do all of this yourself, WHY did you take it there in the first place?

See the red, you have no choice when dealing with Mathews warranty issues and I do not own a press (yet)�I have to borrow a friend's when I go back home.
I've tried 3 local bow shops this year with mixed results.

Ordered a dozen Carbon Express arrows from the Murfreesboro store. Went to pick them up a week later and the price was over $4 an arrow higher than the previously quoted price. I only bought 6 arrows that they cut and fletched for me. Got home and and a Blazer vane fletching was off of one the first time I shot it.

Brought my 3 year old bow into Steve's to have it inspected and tuned (I had called before I left). I showed up with the bow and two kids under age 5. Only one guy was working and he was with another customer so he said it would be a minute. I tried to keep two kids busy in the back for close to thirty minutes when I went back up front, the guy was sitting down talking to a different customer. I immediately walked out, never to return.

A few weeks later I brought the same bow to Archery Den for an inspection and tuning. The guy picked it up and looked it over and said there was nothing he could do with it.
Your welcome to give me a call ! Been in buisness for 4 years, So far no complaints ! I am small, and also work fulltime as a firefighter/emt so there are days I won't be there, BUT I am there atleast 4 days a week.
NOW if your looking for a fully furnished big selection bow shop, I am not it ! BUT if your wanting a good fair price, and quality work I will treat you right ! Custom strings by Proline any color installed for $86, that includes installation, and every thing back into factory spec. and cams timed on draw board!

I am not a big shop, and never plan on it ! I like beinging right were I am at, and in turn able to offer a more one on one experience with the customer, and I am able to take the time to set the customer up with a bow that FITS them, and tuned to them !
There's basically nothing archery or hunting related I can't get for you, and most orders arrive within (1) day !