Seems downright irresponsible to me

we are now just a society thats based on RESULTS = Success. Its that way in sports, hunting, fishing etc etc etc. While that can apply to certain areas of life, I never found turkey hunting to fit that model. Sure shooting one is everyones goal but a hunt is not a failure if you dont kill one, and IMO your hunting skills or ability is not based on your # of kills.

But in the world we live in now of social media and influencers that are looking for followers, sponsors, likes, and money that is what its all based on. You can't "grow" your brand if you are not shooting turkeys, so that stretches the lines for ethics and boundaries to do whatever you legally can to kill birds. Ive said it a ton on here but LEGAL doesnt mean its right to do.

Now to be very clear, I was not always of the mindset I am today. Age, experience, mentors and other factors helped me mature and really understand what was truly important in life and in hunting (specifically turkey) I like most others had teen years where all I wanted to do was kill stuff and impress my friends so part of me understands it these days. Just seems those "teen years" have grown well past those ages. I see very few younger crowd hunters these days really CARE about turkeys or obsess about them, and by that I mean truly study the biology of them and understand them. When you truly CARE about a species you hunt, it changes you and changes how you hunt them.
I'm not going to pretend like I haven't gotten overly excited or misjudged distance before, but never have I set out with the intention of shooting a turkey at an excessive range. I'd rather watch one walk off and live to gobble another day rather than getting away just to become an easy meal for a yote/cat/etc...
right or wrong its just the way hunting in general has been trending for years now. Archery has moved further and further out, huge rise in long range rifle shooting so people have moved out their range on deer to much further then 90% of people can shoot.

Turkey hunting has been going that way for years as well. Its now cool to shoot one at 60yds vs the old days where people would just make fun of you about it.

I accepted long ago that the turkey hunting I love and cherish will never be that again, and thats ok because I honestly feel sorry for those that never got to really understand what it was really meant to be. I just surround myself with friends that have the same mentality as me and pass down the tradition of true turkey hunting to my kids in hopes it stays alive for a few more generations.
Agreed. It used to be how close can you get them now it's how far can you shoot them.
It's nothing more than a marketing ploy for his sponsors. I'll have to go back and watch the video again, but he did mention something along the lines of shooting a target much further than you'd ever shoot at game. Maybe that was his way of saving face while fulfilling sponsor requests of boastful claims, all while getting clicks and views. I could be wrong, but I don't think Woods was saying go shoot turkeys at 70 yards.
There will be some who will try this just because they watçh this video and think they can do it.
Lots of turkey's will just go off and die to never be found!
Exactly & sadly true.

I love TSS, but not for longer range.
TSS allows me to use a more open choke, and get more uniform consistent patterns, making it less likely I miss a bird's head at closer ranges.
And that, on top of allowing a 20 ga with TSS to outperform a 12 ga with lead.
Are there hunters capable of that w a perfect gun , shell, sight set up . Sure!
But man it's not good to set that as something to celebrate.

It makes a lot of hunters think that it normal to do that. As an industry professional he owed the sport more than that

Don't get caught up celebrating any of our industry professionals
They are all just human just like you and i
They are spoon fed opportunities by people who want to suck up to them for whatever reason I have no clue and
That's ok. But they are just people .
So they will be known to do stupid sh!t every now and again.
I was going to watch the video but couldn't get it to open and play. In pre TSS days, a good pattern was considered 100+ pellets in a 10" circle at 40 yards. Based on that, it appears that target meets that standard. I may be wrong, but I'm gonna guess those TSS pellets at 70 yards have a lot less energy than #6 lead at 40 yards.
Saw another YouTuber advertising 410 at 65 yards. They have tons of followers of course. Bunch of ignants.
I know him personally.

I watched the video and cringed. He let a kid shoot the bird which flew off across the field and crashed into a tree. They snuck up on it and shot it again.

Stupid and I told him as much.
once you go past 35 to 40 yds (IMHO) you need to quit pretending that you are turkey hunting and just use a rifle. they pattern SO much better "way out yonder"... i thought the idea was to set up & call them into a close-range encounter, not see how far off you could kill one. :rolleyes:

No the idea is to kill em for the freezer

Some people aren't into hunting turkeys

They just want to kill one to eat it

No different than deer

Different legal strokes for different folks
No the idea is to kill em for the freezer

Some people aren't into hunting turkeys

They just want to kill one to eat it

No different than deer
Comparing apples to oranges IMO. Don't think anybody is out meat hunting turkeys if they are they are probably doing unethical things to begin with
There will be some who will try this just because they watçh this video and think they can do it.Lots of turkey's will just go off and die to never be found!
People are already shooting "long range" with tss

It's one of the reasons to use it?

Far superior to lead if you misjudge the distance

I thought that turkey was at 40 but really was 50….

Yeah I know the video is about 70
Comparing apples to oranges IMO. Don't think anybody is out meat hunting turkeys if they are they are probably doing unethical things to begin with

But "unethical" isn't necessarily "illegal"

While most turkey hunters would frown at shooting a bird with tss at 70 yards, I don't think that is illegal anywhere in the US or Canada where tss is legal

Only thing I can say is tss is expensive enough that I think the casual or "meat" hunters aren't really using it
But "unethical" isn't necessarily "illegal"

While most turkey hunters would frown at shooting a bird with tss at 70 yards, I don't think that is illegal anywhere in the US or Canada where tss is legal

Only thing I can say is tss is expensive enough that I think the casual or "meat" hunters aren't really using it
Nobody has said unethical is illegal, it's just unethical. The video promotes unethical practices, wether on purpose or not
because something is legal doesnt make it right. Shooting a bird from a tree when he cant see in the dark is legal in TN (I think it still is unless that has changed) but dang sure not right or ethical.

one of the reasons Ive always hated the tag line "do what makes you happy if its legal". Do whats right by the animal you are hunting and do it ethically is what the tag line SHOULD be for turkey hunters.
People are already shooting "long range" with tss

It's one of the reasons to use it?

Far superior to lead if you misjudge the distance

I thought that turkey was at 40 but really was 50….

Yeah I know the video is about 70
It's very unethical and very irresponsible.Anyone who does this is bound to wound turkey's that's never found but die
People are already shooting "long range" with tss

It's one of the reasons to use it?

Far superior to lead if you misjudge the distance

I thought that turkey was at 40 but really was 50….

Yeah I know the video is about 70
You are nothing but a pathetic excuse for a true turkey hunter!

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