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Serious deer hunters home life

We had a few conflicts in the early years when we had small children. I always kept Sunday for church and family day. Now that my boys are grown, we don't have many conflicts. I will prioritize family events as much as possible. This year we had three family Thanksgivings ughh.

It takes a lot of time in the woods to be a mature buck hunter. This sort of dedication can test most men's priorities. Men who fail this test may have some big bucks on the wall and bragging rights but lose out on other things in life that matter more. God's not impressed with my trophy wall. But, I will answer for how I have treated other people.

Through the years I've managed to take some impressive bucks and have a successful marriage as well as raise successful sons. These are all blessings from God if you keep the right priorities. There's time for all of it if you are patient and allow things to happen in God's timing.
We had a few conflicts in the early years when we had small children. I always kept Sunday for church and family day. Now that my boys are grown, we don't have many conflicts. I will prioritize family events as much as possible. This year we had three family Thanksgivings ughh.

It takes a lot of time in the woods to be a mature buck hunter. This sort of dedication can test most men's priorities. Men who fail this test may have some big bucks on the wall and bragging rights but lose out on other things in life that matter more. God's not impressed with my trophy wall. But, I will answer for how I have treated other people.

Through the years I've managed to take some impressive bucks and have a successful marriage as well as raise successful sons. These are all blessings from God if you keep the right priorities. There's time for all of it if you are patient and allow things to happen in God's timing.
Very good point I use to beat myself up for sleeping in when I planned to go hunting. Or if I didn't end up going that day. And I still do but to a much lesser extent. I recently started to realize that me putting that kind of pressure on myself was making hunting no fun at all. And that's why I've loved it all these years was the fun aspect. Let god handle it and when it's go time it is. And when it isn't it isn't. By the way that's coming from a guy that hasn't killed anything this year at all. No close calls to even speak of. That also determines the drive a little the next morning.But I'm gonna keep after it and god willing I'll finally connect.
I dropped deer hunting for the most part when we had our first child. I went exclusively to duck hunting. We lived in LA and East TN for most of the oldest first few years, and I would have a 7 hour drive ahead of me going to and from, and would usually stay for a 4-5 day minimum. It would take me a day or 2 to recover once I got home from grinding public ducks and traveling so hard.

There was a lot of times she would get upset, because I hunted 30+ days a duck season, and I was living 7 hours away from where I hunted.

Now that we are back in West TN, we have a deal that I do my very best to play the weather and optimize the good days. I'm usually never gone more than 3 days at a time any more. We have 3 kids now from 10 down to 4, and they are USUALLY pretty easy for her to manage.

The deer hunting has picked back up, and the kids are much more involved in that.

My wife enjoys bow hunting, and has shot a buck on public land with a bow. She gets its, she doesn't necessarily want to grind, but she is understands the grind, and wants a lay-up easy hunt every now and then as well.

I have made a point to try and go above and beyond around the house the past couple of years. That really helps her out.
I dropped deer hunting for the most part when we had our first child
Same here. I had just started getting into it, but I focused all my attention on hunting with them at a very young age. The most difficult part was teaching discipline to stay still and be quiet.

I was figuring out how old I was when I could take my dad's .22 loaded with shorts, out to hunt, and I was somewhere around 7 to 8 years old. I can't imagine giving a bb gun to most of today's kids at that age. The rules for me were to not get out of mom's sight and don't shoot toward the house or barn.
My wife is amazing. She knew before we got married what she was getting into. Planned our wedding around deer season. She fully understands my passion. It helps that she grew up outdoors hunting deer and her dad was a duck hunting guide in west Tn.
can't say enough good things about mine.
I'm thankful I have an understanding wife. Her dad was a fisherman, so I think she understands. In our early days, I would leave on Fri and come back Sunday. I don't think she cared for that too much. But now that I hunt closer to home and am not gone at night, she doesn't mind and gets caught up on her TV shows.

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