Serious questions as season approaches!

I have only shot one for the last 3-4 years with the population decline around me. So it doesn't really affect me. Plus I fish way more now. Not as mad at the turkeys anymore.
I used to fish a lot but, I didn't go a single time last year. I think I went once in 2021.
if it has a full fan and is coming into a call gobbling/strutting it will get shot.
My thoughts also, I might hold off on the second bird just to give me a reason to get back out in the woods. I might try to hunt Kentucky this year also. So if I decide to I might tag our early.
First 2 then I'll be done. I'm much to busy. In a perfect world I'll be done Sunday. Get my dad and father in law on one and be done and let spring progress nicely without me messing with it. Luck for me I picked up 2 more properties and I can really keep pressure at a minimum. Our best farm for years the numbers are highly disappointing the last 2 years won't even hunt it.
What's really strange the past decade is how spotty the birds have become. Used to have a somewhat even distribution throughout the landscape... now it's just pockets. And those small pockets can have good numbers, but the next pocket of birds may be 5 to 10 miles away.
If they play the game and make it an exciting hunt they're getting killed. I'm hoping the dumb ol 2 year old that was around last year will be there this year. I know him from his weird gobble he has. He was with the 4 bearded bird I killed last year and heard him several days after that from my driveway but was tagged out. I'd like to get him just with the history I had with him last year. But I won't wait around on him either.

Soon as I stepped out this morning owls started going crazy. Stopped and listened but didn't hear any gobbling. Still a little early for this property tho so not fretting on it yet.
I have never been able to measure spurs as they approach me in the hardwoods, thus no sizing them up for the most part.
Generally agree with you about the spurs, but you can often distinguish a 4-yr-old (or older) Tom from a 2-yr-old Tom. Two Year Old Toms tend to be the most vocal with gobbling; older Toms more likely to come in without gobbling, but spitting & drumming.

. . . . i don't shoot silent birds.
I understand where you're coming from, but some of my oldest, longest-spurred Toms have come in silent (in terms of gobbling). But most have come in spitting & drumming! That up close spitting & drumming is more exciting to me than gobbling.
Stop trying to age turkeys!!!!!!!! Its only adult or not!!
Or a young Tom or an old Tom!! :)
I love working a vocal Tom regardless his age.

But I really like finally getting a really old Tom that has skunked me many times, but finally comes in spitting & drumming. They just often don't gobble coming in, but can put on a great show.
With the rule change to only one Jake of the two bird limit, I hope everyone hesitates long enough to ID the bird. Should mean more toms next year. After the first long beard I tend to get picky, nothing worse than being tagged out and the season still open. If so I might need to need to find a "Turkey Anonymous" group to help work through the morning sweats 😀
I won't be picky. If given the opportunity, I will pull the trigger on the first two long beards that play the game. The two bird limit and season pushed out makes it easier for me to choose between turkey hunting and spring fishing. My son has two tags as well as my daughter might be wanting to hunt so should be plenty of opportunity.
I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a 2 years old, matter of fact, thank God for two year olds! I love to hear turkeys, those two year old birds normally don't let me down... as for one slipping in silently, I'd still try and get him to fire up once I spotted him... not much fun if you don't feel the gobble...I'd for sure pass if he were the second bird...
For all you guys trying to decide to shoot or not go ahead and tag out then you can give me a call and I'll bring my unused tag(s)... :)