Set up question UPDATED WITH PIC


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Reaction score
Ok bear with me here for a moment.
I am considering using a ground blind this weekend, which I have only done for turkey on one previous occasion.
The last / first / only time I did I brushed it in good just like for deer hunting.

This weekend I have a good idea where man and I could set up and he would have a better than average chance at a longbeard.

The �issue� is that when they pitch out they do so into a field that is shaped like a football laying on its side, cut in half.
They pitch off to the top of the hill and then strut down the length of the field and turn off into a valley that cuts perpendicular to the field.
Here are the issue(s).

The field is bordered with woods but if you set up on the edge of the woods you can�t get a shot to the top of the hill (too far).
If you try and set up where the birds are GOING you have two choices. When they reach the valley they can go right or left and most of the time I pick the wrong one.

Thinking about setting up on top of the hill / ridge out in the wide open and try that.
There is one large stump right be where they will travel but it is only about a foot tall.
I can either set up against this stump with no cover (didn�t have time to build a natural ground blind) or throw the ground blind up right there in the middle of the pasture and hope the birds act like they do on tv when they put one or TWO blinds up in the middle of a field and birds flock all over them.

Putting the blind up the evening before is not an option.

Anyone ever set up like this?
Middle of a pasture field with absolutely no cover.

Ok just because I am bored and excited here is a little more information.
The red dot is where I will place the blind.
The trees you see in the field in this picture are not there.
The blue line represents the high spot in the field and the yellow line is the valley that cuts across.

Re: Set up question

I'd say do it!
Last year opening day I was on the edge of a field with no cover sitting in a blind. Me and the brother scored a double that morning. They came within 20 yards of my blind and didn't pay it no mind.
Very next morning we had the same setup on a wide open logging road. Birds came in very quick so I just threw it up right in the middle of the road! They came to about 20 yards and never did notice me.
Re: Set up question

yep.. id throw it up in the field

been covered up before and birds havent paid a bit of attention

only time ive been burned was when i had all the windows open and they could pick up the movement
Re: Set up question

If you can set the blind up without being busted, that would be your best bet.

Like Nate said, keep your back windows closed so that you can't be silhouetted. So you will need to sit facing away from the least likely place you would expect a shot. Might also consider where the sun will be rising to also help determine which way you face the blind as well.
Re: Set up question

turkeys unlike deer really dont mind a new "thing" in the woods/field. I have seen plenty of people put them up the day of and the turkeys could not care less about it.
Re: Set up question

In the woods just to left of the end of the yellow line in the valley. Those turkeys will read your mind or you will not get there early enough to set up without spooking them.
Re: Set up question

VERY good eye there Hawk, I have killed several birds in that very spot. :D
Re: Set up question

I wouldnt be afraid to set up there if thats where you think they will go. As long as they cant see you setting up.
Re: Set up question

Hawk said:
In the woods just to left of the end of the yellow line in the valley. Those turkeys will read your mind or you will not get there early enough to set up without spooking them.

+1 if that yellow lines runs south. south side of a slope is always a good early morning place to set up.