Setterman (and any other accomplished turkey hunters)

I mean I started out killing turkeys with an 1100 fixed choke shotgun using whatever ammo my grandma had in a drawer (seriously some was so old I don't even know what shot it was). Went out with an old HS strut lil Duce and a carbon striker and one I made with a pocket knife lol. Killed turkeys just fine and while those are times I'll always remember I don't care to go back to that type of hunting or handicap. No one needs a $100 pot call or a $1200 shotgun to kill turkeys either but that's what some like to carry including me (well not a $100 pot call at least). Very little is "needed" to kill turkeys minus time to hunt and a place to hunt them, a good hunter can fill a limit every year with just those 2 things.

I don't need a 3200sqft home or a nice truck either, don't need $150 boots or a riding lawnmower at the end of the day but some of those things make my life easier and I like to have. No one needs TSS to kill turkeys BUT math doesn't lie and that's facts. Will it increase your chance of killing one? Prob not as you have to put in the work to get the bird in range BUT for me I want to know when I pull the trigger I have the best possible killing power going at him.

Company's sole purpose is to make money period, as stated in another thread it's our job as hunters to see where common sense and stupidity start to overlap. It's alway our job to teach youth and others, it shouldn't be hunting shows and commercials teaching them. There is definitely a split these days from traditional and new age hunters that we as humans will have to find a way to come to common ground.