Shame on me

Ladys man

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
So shame on me for waiting this late but I bought my soon to be 9yr old son a Mossberg 20 youth combo several yrs ago. I havnt even shot it yet. But because I've waited to close to Turkey season I can't find a rail mount in town. So I had to order online and wait. I was able to find a bushnell trs-25 for him, also a Carlsons 565, I shot 575.
I really wanted him to shot this weekend but that won't happen.
My plan is to have him shoot bird shot and I'll due the pattern and sight in. Guess I will have to wait and hope that it patterns quickly. Luckily I stocked up several years ago with shells lol.
Just can't believe I did that.
That youth model will kick some , I put a limbsaver recoil pad on when my son was young as he was small in stature. I Shot bird shot just like you said then let him shoot bird shot, when the moment of truth came the gun had 2.75 HVW #7 loads in it that I had patterned myself . Those were great shells but no longer made. He never knew the difference when the gobbler was flopping.
Yeah I had the same plan with my boy and a Remington 870 youth. It kicks like a mule with 3 inch shells. I think even with reduced recoil 2.75 it will be too much. Probably going 410. But hey now I got a sweet little turkey gun
Yeah I had the same plan with my boy and a Remington 870 youth. It kicks like a mule with 3 inch shells. I think even with reduced recoil 2.75 it will be too much. Probably going 410. But hey now I got a sweet little turkey gun

I let my son shoot his 870 youth with dove loads while practicing. I then slipped a 3" in when hunting. He killed his first with it at 8 years old.