Shed season has begun….

Five bucks in my yard last night in SC. None have lost antlers. Maybe I'm feeding them too much !!!! Ha!

This guy got in a clothes line or someone tried to get that drop tine!


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Your pup is awesome.
She just likes to take pics. 😂

In all seriousness, she makes me look harder. She knows what she's doing but I look harder because she can still miss them in the woods and grass. Most sheds we find I see them ahead of us but always let her find them without my help. It's the sheds she finds that I don't see that really make it worthwhile but I do see most that we find. She does save me some walking. Two dogs would be better but my wife said no. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Wow! Every buck I'm getting on camera right now is still carrying his. Really strange how different it is depending on circumstances.
It really comes down to the local acorn crop and effects of the drought in that area.
Makes sense. We had the most abundant acorn crop i remember in the 24 years I've lived here.
In a year with a decent acorn crop, all our older bucks will hold antlers until late February or mid-March. This year, with a horrible drought and virtually no acorns, they had all dropped at least one antler by January 9. And some had dropped both by then. Antler drop timing is VERY closely linked to nutritional and physical (rut) stress.

And as for rut stress, during the rut month of November, we picked up 22 different older bucks using our place, which is a new record. And they beat the crap out of each other! By the end of the rut, 75% of the older bucks were limping on a front leg.
It really comes down to the local acorn crop and effects of the drought in that area.
Red oaks have been plentiful where these sheds were found. Also, plenty of ag fields. What I noticed this year were numerous bucks with wounds to their leg(s) and bucks that traveled a lot. Food and water haven't been an issue.
Good thread. I had 5 bucks walk by cell cam this morning in single file line. 2 scrubs and 3 solid bucks, with the biggest most mature leading the pack. All still carrying both sides. SW TN.