Wes Parrish said:
Wes Parrish said:
By no means do I want to come across as "criticizing" anyone's preferences here, such as by saying some are more into their weapons than their hunting. Just curious as to why we have the preferences we have.
Wes Parrish said:
I'm more curious about the rationale of hunters' CHANGING their "Shooter" Buck Standards based on the time of the season, i.e. early season, the rut, and late season. And also, how does early seasonal success (or lack there of) effect these standards?
Seems I often hear hunters say they lower their standards late-season, yet my thinking is just the opposite, as I raise mine post-rut.
By the time I head to our Illinois cabin in November, I have paid about $800.00 for license and owner fees. I have ONE buck tag in my pocket and usually a couple antlerless tags.
I start out hunting based on scouting done the previous years, especially the previous January/February. My standards are to kill a buck that sports a rack that grosses around 120 inches of antler. I don't care if he is 1.5. It is public land and trust me, if he is seen come gun opener, he will be shot at often.
If I have not killed one by January's doe hunt, I will still shoot a 120 inch buck but will PROBABLY give a pass to any and all others. I might kill a 100 inch buck if I feel the itch. And make no apology for doing so!
In Tennessee, on the land in which I hunt mostly, wether I have one, three, or 27 buck tags, I will kill whatever LEGAL buck I can kill if I decide AT THAT MOMENT that I want to kill it.
It just depends on how much meat is in the freezer, where I am hunting, how far the drag is to the truck, how easily I can get an arrow through BOTH lungs, and how far the drag is to the truck. Did I mention I always consider how far the drag is to the truck?
Honestly I used to be much more selective than I am now. I really lost sight of the reason why I started hunting in the first place. I successfully chased the "dream" for a long time, achieved it, and have moved on. Taxidermy gets expensive and how many Pope and Young bucks do you REALLY need to kill?
I enjoy making the best out of the shot offered to me, and executing that "perfect" shot on a deer, watching it fall, and helping others get started in bowhunting.
I also LOVE to video.