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"Shooter" Buck Standards & "Timing"

102 said:
There are many of us who do not see multiple DEER in a weeks hunt. Forget multiple bucks.

With exception to the property I have access to through my current job (which I'm most likely leaving before this season gets here), this pretty much sums up deer hunting for me since I started back in the early-mid 90's....

This is a 2008 bow kill on a small farm I have permission to hunt.

It is my best BOW buck, to date.

I remember telling someone that very day that it was my best BOW buck, and once I thought about it, I wondered was I trying to justify killing the buck because it was with a bow or was I trying to make my success out to be more of a big deal because it was taken up close, with a bow and not with a firearm at a longer distance.

I can think back to several deer that I have no doubt that I would have on my wall if I had been MZ or GUN hunting that faithful day when the bow just wasn't enough...But, with that being said, I may not have been in the same stand if I was NOT bow hunting....so, I guess a kill is a kill, regardless....

Would I have shot this deer with a gun or MZ....more than likely, but i can not say for sure because that scenario never came to past...
Wes Parrish said:
Wes Parrish said:
By no means do I want to come across as "criticizing" anyone's preferences here, such as by saying some are more into their weapons than their hunting. Just curious as to why we have the preferences we have.
Wes Parrish said:
I'm more curious about the rationale of hunters' CHANGING their "Shooter" Buck Standards based on the time of the season, i.e. early season, the rut, and late season. And also, how does early seasonal success (or lack there of) effect these standards?

Seems I often hear hunters say they lower their standards late-season, yet my thinking is just the opposite, as I raise mine post-rut.

By the time I head to our Illinois cabin in November, I have paid about $800.00 for license and owner fees. I have ONE buck tag in my pocket and usually a couple antlerless tags.


I start out hunting based on scouting done the previous years, especially the previous January/February. My standards are to kill a buck that sports a rack that grosses around 120 inches of antler. I don't care if he is 1.5. It is public land and trust me, if he is seen come gun opener, he will be shot at often.

If I have not killed one by January's doe hunt, I will still shoot a 120 inch buck but will PROBABLY give a pass to any and all others. I might kill a 100 inch buck if I feel the itch. And make no apology for doing so!

In Tennessee, on the land in which I hunt mostly, wether I have one, three, or 27 buck tags, I will kill whatever LEGAL buck I can kill if I decide AT THAT MOMENT that I want to kill it.

It just depends on how much meat is in the freezer, where I am hunting, how far the drag is to the truck, how easily I can get an arrow through BOTH lungs, and how far the drag is to the truck. Did I mention I always consider how far the drag is to the truck?

Honestly I used to be much more selective than I am now. I really lost sight of the reason why I started hunting in the first place. I successfully chased the "dream" for a long time, achieved it, and have moved on. Taxidermy gets expensive and how many Pope and Young bucks do you REALLY need to kill?

I enjoy making the best out of the shot offered to me, and executing that "perfect" shot on a deer, watching it fall, and helping others get started in bowhunting.

I also LOVE to video.
I understand the different reasons or opinions on the different weapons deal on if the bucks a shooter with one or the other, but for me for a long time I had a standard for me was to try and kill a larger buck each year with different weapons.

Let me give an example, Like with a bow, I try each year to shoot a bigger buck than I did the last year. I haven't shot a buck with a bow the class that I have taken with a muzzleloader or a rifle. So I have to somewhat disagree that one weapon to another doesn't make a difference.

Now as a avid trophy hunter like several of you are I can understand that statement. I can tell ya if a nice 120 class buck walks out in front of me with a bow in my hand well the arrow is gona fly.

But to each his own Wess, not downing you folks that hunt the big ones only, man I have done that hunting for the big ones the last 3 years, man thats a lonely road rite there! :whistle:
But as I have grown older the big ones sure makes a fella fill good when he does get him!! ;)
102 said:
Wes Parrish said:
Wes Parrish said:
By no means do I want to come across as "criticizing" anyone's preferences here, such as by saying some are more into their weapons than their hunting. Just curious as to why we have the preferences we have.
Wes Parrish said:
I'm more curious about the rationale of hunters' CHANGING their "Shooter" Buck Standards based on the time of the season, i.e. early season, the rut, and late season. And also, how does early seasonal success (or lack there of) effect these standards?

Seems I often hear hunters say they lower their standards late-season, yet my thinking is just the opposite, as I raise mine post-rut.

By the time I head to our Illinois cabin in November, I have paid about $800.00 for license and owner fees. I have ONE buck tag in my pocket and usually a couple antlerless tags.


I start out hunting based on scouting done the previous years, especially the previous January/February. My standards are to kill a buck that sports a rack that grosses around 120 inches of antler. I don't care if he is 1.5. It is public land and trust me, if he is seen come gun opener, he will be shot at often.

If I have not killed one by January's doe hunt, I will still shoot a 120 inch buck but will PROBABLY give a pass to any and all others. I might kill a 100 inch buck if I feel the itch. And make no apology for doing so!

In Tennessee, on the land in which I hunt mostly, wether I have one, three, or 27 buck tags, I will kill whatever LEGAL buck I can kill if I decide AT THAT MOMENT that I want to kill it.

It just depends on how much meat is in the freezer, where I am hunting, how far the drag is to the truck, how easily I can get an arrow through BOTH lungs, and how far the drag is to the truck. Did I mention I always consider how far the drag is to the truck?

Honestly I used to be much more selective than I am now. I really lost sight of the reason why I started hunting in the first place. I successfully chased the "dream" for a long time, achieved it, and have moved on. Taxidermy gets expensive and how many Pope and Young bucks do you REALLY need to kill?

I enjoy making the best out of the shot offered to me, and executing that "perfect" shot on a deer, watching it fall, and helping others get started in bowhunting.

I also LOVE to video.

Very well said.
One more thing,
I have touched on this before.

I rarely see much talk about this on ANY forum

I killed a HUGE bodied Illinois buck a few years ago. Most definitely the largest racked 8 point typical I have ever seen in person. He grossed 153.

After having already taken a few P/Y bucks previous to this deer, and having always been like several other hunters who have made it clear how they try every year to kill a "bigger" buck than the year before, I was almost disappointed to think I now would limit myself to even BIGGER bucks in seasons to come.

I mean come on...ME kill a BIGGER buck than THIS???

I now have to hold myself to THAT standard?
Who was I kidding?

Yet, a couple years after this buck, I heard tale of, scouted, and found a buck that was supposed to be bigger.


I killed this buck in Tennessee.

And according to TWRA's Ben Layton, he pushed 170 inches of gross antler (I think 168 7/8).

So how do I top THAT???

The answer...I probably never will. And that is OK.

It has been a GREAT journey.

Now, at full circle, I REALLY SEE the big picture.

IMO, deer hunting is truly PERSONAL. Everyone SHOULD hunt for their OWN satisfaction. Not someone else. (I think John Sloan may be like this as well...but I am not sure, I don't know him)

This is one of the BIGGEST problems I see with TV shows. They influence our IMPRESSIONABLE younger hunters to hunt for what I consider to be the WRONG reason!

I think the media promotes the idea that unless you kill a huge buck, not just a good representation of an area, but a large antlered deer, you are NOT a good hunter. In fact, I have seen this in talking to the public. The first question generally asked to establish my "credibility" is "how many Pope and Young deer have you killed?".

Not- "how many mature deer have you killed?"
Or-"how many deer have you killed on public, high pressured land?"
Or-"What kind of land do you hunt, public, private, or high fence, or what?"

Most hunters who hunt an average amount of time, spending average dollars in average, or even above average locations, ESPECIALLY on public or low budget ground, will never see, let alone kill, a Boone and Crockett buck.

And probably most of these same hunters, will also never kill, though they MIGHT POSSIBLY see, a Pope and Young buck.

Yet these same hunters will likely SEE (at least)a mature deer and probably NOT recognize it at all because of sub-par antlers or the fact that they are looking at a mature doe...a TRUE trophy deer.

Re: "Shooter" Buck Standards & "Timing"

Poser said:
I definitely don't buy the "bow Buck" philosophy. Is it more difficult to kill deer with a bow? Absolutely. Does that change my standards? Absolutely not.

For me a buck is either a shooter or he isn't, no matter when or what weapon. And the later in the season the more happy I am to let great 3.5 and even certain 4.5 year old bucks walk in hopes of seeing them next year.
I never know depending on the weapon or what time of year it is... I'm a hunter and If I decide to pull the release or trigger, it's my decision to make....

I could care less what others think and I have killed some nice bucks in TN and I'm not orginally from here.... There are stages of hunting and I find myself doing what make me happy and I could careless what others think.... :)
Bottom Hunter said:

This is a 2008 bow kill on a small farm I have permission to hunt.

It is my best BOW buck, to date.

I remember telling someone that very day that it was my best BOW buck, and once I thought about it, I wondered was I trying to justify killing the buck because it was with a bow or was I trying to make my success out to be more of a big deal because it was taken up close, with a bow and not with a firearm at a longer distance.

I can think back to several deer that I have no doubt that I would have on my wall if I had been MZ or GUN hunting that faithful day when the bow just wasn't enough...But, with that being said, I may not have been in the same stand if I was NOT bow hunting....so, I guess a kill is a kill, regardless....

Would I have shot this deer with a gun or MZ....more than likely, but i can not say for sure because that scenario never came to past...

If you are happy with that buck.... and the smile tells it.... Who cares what others think... Most of these other guys watch hunting shows and have standards that might never be reached depending on the conditions.....

Go hunting and have fun.... A smile on your face at the end of the day is a bonus.... :)

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