shooting to much?

It is better to make 5 PERFECT form, perfect execution, perfect follow through, shots per day, than a bunch of bad form ...shots per day.
5 P's= Perfect practice prevents poor performance.
To me its a no brainier. As previously mentioned, your form deteriorates with fatigue, resulting in bad practice. No matter how much you enjoy something there is always the the possibility of getting burned out. Also there is the very real issue of repetitive motion injuries. Why do you think baseball pitchers are rested for several days between games?
When you get older and have more aches i think you should moderate. this slows down muscle fatigue. shooting till your testosterone drips on the ground is for the younger/unwiser age group. They all still think they understand women too......... :whistle: :grin:
Are we talking about shooting too much in one session or in the context of shooting every day? There is a big difference. Obviously once you become fatigued it is time to rest.
As I have posted before, I have shot as much as 100 arrows a day when testing and evaluating bows. In my opinion, for hunting purposes, that was just about 90 arrows too many. When just shooting for myself, I usually shot from 6-10 arrows a day six days a week.

When the season opened, I usually shot one arrow a day, always at a different distance and angle. When at home, I wouold shjoot from my deck by the outside light, before leaving for the woods. In cam, even a tent camp, I shot by car headlights or by my own headlight.

That system worked well for me for over 30-years.
bowriter said:
As I have posted before, I have shot as much as 100 arrows a day when testing and evaluating bows. In my opinion, for hunting purposes, that was just about 90 arrows too many. When just shooting for myself, I usually shot from 6-10 arrows a day six days a week.

When the season opened, I usually shot one arrow a day, always at a different distance and angle. When at home, I wouold shjoot from my deck by the outside light, before leaving for the woods. In cam, even a tent camp, I shot by car headlights or by my own headlight.

That system worked well for me for over 30-years.

Good advise ! I have done the same . From 100 arrow testing sessions , to one arrow hunting type shots . I shot best when I shot fewer arrows .