Shotgun shell question


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2016
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I'm looking at some 28g shells.
They have a 7/8 oz, 1150 fps load they call..."heavy hunting".
They also have a 1 oz, 1300 fps load they call.."pigeon load".
Obviously, I can see that the pigeon load is not only heavier, but it's faster. I'm sure there would also be a good amount of recoil difference. Aside from that...what is the difference? Perhaps different wadding that causes the shot to behave differently? I really have no clue here.
I guess it's their calling one load "heavy", while another load is heavier and faster that has me confused.
Any help would be appreciated.
Heavy is the amount of gun powder and recoil difference from my understanding. It has more powder so it puts off more recoil.
Really all you need to pay attention to are the shot weight and velocity (shot size being equal). The names they give are to help people who don't understand weight and velocity. This is similar to choke tubes being labeled "over decoys" instead of listing a constriction.
Marketing thing. I hunt with a 28ga crow, squirrel and qauil. Mostly all i shoot are 3/4 oz loads. I did buy federal 1 oz heavy game loads. To get hulls to reload. Now i reload mine.

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