Should broadheads be this picky?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
bradley county,TN/Lancaster,SC
Im shooting in the 290's and im 99.9% sure my bow is in perfe3ct tune. My question is My broadheads have to be turned to match my fletching. And they have to be perfect. I mean perfect. Within 1/16 of an inch perfect, its redicoulous. It took me forever to get 2 to shoot true. My arrows are spined correctly and I am shooting thunderhead 100's with 4" vanes with a good bit of offset.

Am I missing something?
I had to do that w/ Muzzy's on my bow, I switched to Montecs and no problem, I think they just create a little less drag.
Have you spin tested the broadheads on each arrow ? It is more important to spin test than line up fletchings to blades . What you are doing when you tighten thunderheads is seating them better in the insert . The rubber 0-ring can cause some variation in tightness .
Inserts that are not seated squarely to the shaft can cause broadheads to wobble .
Once you get speeds over 265 fps , high profile broadheads tend to wind plane more than low profile broadheads like Slick Tricks , etc .
I am shooting 29" 2413 XX78's with TH 100's at about 65-67 pounds. Not sure fps. I use a RazorTec. They shoot perfect to 40 yards. Anything 30 and under is too accurate; it shaves vanes.

Do what Radar says above.

I haven't paid any attention to matching my BH to vanes so I am sure they are not lined up and my setup shoots fairly well.
Radar said:
Have you spin tested the broadheads on each arrow ? It is more important to spin test than line up fletchings to blades . What you are doing when you tighten thunderheads is seating them better in the insert . The rubber 0-ring can cause some variation in tightness .
Inserts that are not seated squarely to the shaft can cause broadheads to wobble .
Once you get speeds over 265 fps , high profile broadheads tend to wind plane more than low profile broadheads like Slick Tricks , etc .

No I havent. I can get them to have the same POI as my field points but its aggravating as snot. Once I have them just right they will hit just the same as my field point.
how do you spin test? roll on a flat surface and watch the tip? or use one of those spinner gizzmos that I think are a gimmick...when a table will do.

I square my shafts, line my blades up and my muzzys are spot on if my arrows (with field tips) are entering the trarget straight (tells me if my bow is in tune).
I have spin test rollers on my cut off saw . It is not a gimmick . ;) I put a dot on a stationary object in front of the broadhead and spin it slowly while watching the point on the dot . If it wobbles , I discard that arrow for broadheads , and use it for field point practice .
A corner of a flat table works good too , but the spin tester is more accurate because the wobble can be seen easier .
One thing I do when I cut off my arrows is spin test them with a broadhead ferrule in the insert before the epoxy dries when gluing in the insert .
If it wobbles , I rotate the insert 1/4 turn . I keep doing this until it spins true . I also use a G5 squaring devise on the shaft ends after cutting them . It takes more time this way , but I get broadheads to spin true this way .