Well-Known Member
Light Up! Was down at the Archery shop helping out. A older guy came in. Id say late 60's. He love to bow hunt. Didnt want nothing to do with a crossbow. He had had surgery done on both shoulders. Couldnt really pull back a bow without it hurting.
He was down in the dumps. He loved archery so much. With rain in the area. His shoulders were hurting bad. And he was wanting to see if he could pull a bow back without it hurting. Most of the bows he had a hard time with.
He was about to give up. I pulled out a Bowtech Razor Edge for him. Goes from 30lbs. to 60lbs. Set it up to his draw length and set it with a poundage he could pull and hold with no pain. Still enough fps to get the job done on a deer.
You couldnt wipe the smile off his face. He already had it in his mind that he would never be able to bow hunt again. Well guess what. He's going to be able to enjoy archery for a long time
He was down in the dumps. He loved archery so much. With rain in the area. His shoulders were hurting bad. And he was wanting to see if he could pull a bow back without it hurting. Most of the bows he had a hard time with.
He was about to give up. I pulled out a Bowtech Razor Edge for him. Goes from 30lbs. to 60lbs. Set it up to his draw length and set it with a poundage he could pull and hold with no pain. Still enough fps to get the job done on a deer.
You couldnt wipe the smile off his face. He already had it in his mind that he would never be able to bow hunt again. Well guess what. He's going to be able to enjoy archery for a long time