Great post BG84,
I too, prefer to hold near the crease. But again, it depends on the shot I have offered.
I learned the hard way, a long time ago, to take the first shot offered to me in a situation involving what MOST often turns out to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. This has worked out VERY well for me over he past 30 years.
While my favorite shot is a slight quarter away, JUST behind the crease, I rarely get it on MATURE deer. The really BIG public land bucks, just don't tend to hold still very long, and RARELY stop exactly where my "bleeeaaat" stops them.
I too, despise gut shots, but trust me, I can flat find a gut shot deer. We have LOADS of practice. Inexperienced hunters tend do this most often,but I know several vets who have their share as well, including MUAH! You hunt long enough and kill enough, and it WILL happen to us ALL!
But make no mistake, I have seen MORTALLY wounded shoulder hit deer die in a day or two. We have found them as well.
AndI have also seen shoulder hit deer recover, heal, and pulled my arrow from them a year later.