Silly Birds


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Carroll County
Made it to the woods this morning and had one answer to a hoot. He was right where I thought he would be. Got to within 150 yds and I spooked one of the roost. Cut the distance in half and got set up. He went quiet for about 20 minutes and started hammering again. Finally I spot him on the limb maybe 80 yds away. It's thick so not concerned with him spotting me. 4 deer come in there and spot me, stomp snort and run off. I figure that pretty well ruined it and he goes quiet again for another 20 minutes. He starts hammering again. I lightly call to him a couple times. Then a hen comes along the top of the ridge between us and I just knew he would pitch down to her at 30 yds. She spots me and lightly putts a few times and wanders back the way she came. He goes silent for another 20 minutes. Then he is hammering again. I watched this bird strut and gobble for two hours on the limb. He finally pitches down at 8am in my direction but over the ridge. I was sure he was coming my way. 10 minutes later I hear one gobble and he has covered a lot of ground but in the opposite direction. Maybe next time lol