Slick Trick vs. Rage

I've been using Rage 3blade. I've killed one doe with them. The function well out of Parker Safari crossbow. Had a complete pass-thru. I did lose two turkeys and never to be recovered both shot with 3 blade Rage. Complete pass thru on one of the turkeys.

My complaint with the Rage is the o-rings were dried, deteriorated and completely broke after just one season. I had to scavenge some o-rings off of some wal mart knock off brand broad heads, Scorpions were the brand name for what its worth.

Also, the Rage blades, some did rattle a little in the quiver and would slip or deploy-requiring a tricky fold up adjustment sometimes at the last minute.

For me, these small inconveniences-they introduce somewhat of a small level of doubt and crap like that bugs me. I don't want to have to be analyzing and wondering if the mechanism failed when/if a deer gets away.

I will say that the Rage 3 blades fly same as field points.

I want to switch to Slick Trick and was hoping that they fly good. Sounds as though they might be worth trying.
I've killed deer with the Rage and the damage is extensive. My biggest complaint is the dang things opening up in the quiver or on your bow or in the truck or just whenever they feel like it. Drives me CRAZY like swamp stump said. I was wondering if anyone on here has come up with a way to combat this...(other than switching broadheads)
For rages if you can get a hold of dental rubber bands. They have helped me greatly on keeping my rages closed. When they hit the deer the cut off easily.
I was actually wondering if small rubber bands would work. Guess I'll have to sneak some of my sons braces' bands...:)
bobthebowhunter said:
nate17 said:
rage sucks

Would you care to expand on this thought. I'm shooting them for the first time this year. I've seen what they can do, but I must say this is one of the only negative reviews I've come across. So why do they suck?

read some of the stuff on archery talk and you can see plenty more negative comments.I tried them last year and hated them too.I shot a doe at 20 yards and had no blood trail and arrow was still in the deer.They bent more than any other BH I've ever tried.not made very well.