Slug gun

Oh man that is nice.
That shot gun is 50+ years old. She was stolen and I found her hidden in an old barn loft. She was pitted and the wood was rough. I cleaned her up and put camo wrap on her. Just because a gun is old doesn't mean it's useless.
I really love that shotgun you have. It should give you many years of service.
That shot gun is 50+ years old. She was stolen and I found her hidden in an old barn loft. She was pitted and the wood was rough. I cleaned her up and put camo wrap on her. Just because a gun is old doesn't mean it's useless.
I really love that shotgun you have. It should give you many years of service.
I have a 1985 Mossberg 500.
The first gun Dad ever bought my oldest brother was an Ithaca 37 featherlight 12. He's been using it for 50yrs and it still slings a Remington Slugger like it's a sabot through a rifled barrel. Incredible guns.
I had 1 of those once,Good Lord it kicked like a wild mule! I mean it killed on both ends.
Now I've got 20 ga 870 with cantilever barrel, it shoots Rotweill sabots like a rifle but it's loud as h#ll.
I had 1 of those once,Good Lord it kicked like a wild mule! I mean it killed on both ends.
Now I've got 20 ga 870 with cantilever barrel, it shoots Rotweill sabots like a rifle but it's loud as h#ll.

I wouldn't know. He doesn't let me near it lol.

My slug gun is a Marlin bolt action. It's basically a standard bolt action rifle with 12ga chamber. Accurate like a rifle too. But dang it's like walking around the woods with a civil war era cannon. Shoulders get tired quick.
my slug gun is a Mossberg 500 from the 90s. I bought a cantilever barrel years ago for $145. The gun was given to me, so for $145 I had a slug gun. Of course I put a cheap 3x9 on it, but I think it was off something that I upgraded.

they kill deer grave yard dead pretty much where they stand. I've never had one take a step.
I use a Mossberg 500 with a rifled barrel. Cantilever scope mount. Use what you like and what works. Nothing more. My Duck and wetlands gun is the cheapest synthetic Mossberg Pump Walmart sold. It shoots where I point it, and 12 g is 12g is 12g. Doesn't matter if you sling a 12g shell out of a $10,000 gun or a $100 gun. Does it hit what you point it at?

Same is true for Rifles. I still have and use an old model 94 3030. It still goes Bang and puts the bullet where I tell it to.
You seem like a good man.
That's why I donated to your transmission fund.
Don't usually.
I really appreciate it brother it means a lot. I do the best I can and work my butt off for what little I got but my little makes me rich in my eyes. That crap happened at the worst possible time for me... I had just drained my savings on getting my wife some dental work done (Plus we just had bought a house Maybe a year ago now.) that we had pro longed as long as possible but it was worth every penny to me to see her happy. I am blessed to have a bunch of great guys like you all that care. I have learned so much from on here that I would never get anywhere else not just about hunting and fishing but life. Because Unlike me you guys have been in my shoes, you all have lived it. you all Know the do's and Don'ts. I will not make some mistakes due to Knowledge that you guys have put in my head, and that right there is priceless. But I am not gonna lie I have cried multiple times just so thankful for all guys that cared enough to help me... Shot that would have probably took me a year to be able to come up with that on the side to be able to afford. Or I would have had to find one in a junk yard and hope and pray it was good and make it last, but the good lord decided to bless me through you guys and I am forever grateful.
Just in the last few minutes finish putting my 870 slug gun together, replaced the barrel and installed sling swivels, I have several deer rifles but my go to rifle this year will be a Stevens 325b bolt action 30-30, manufactured in 1948, bought at Cabela's for 145.00

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