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Sometimes I wish


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Things were different.

My excitement at the beginning of turkey season was unmatched.
I suppose because my deer season was ended before rifle season even started due to the death of my dad that caused the excitement level to be raised quite a bit.

Been a weird year.
Seems no matter what I do I can't get it all to work out in the end.
My son scored and my father-in-law ALMOST had his first kill ever at the same time.
Had some awesome hunts and more fun than should be allowed.

Too bad that the shots may or may not of been the correct distance to be acceptable.
Too bad that all the birds encountered weren't the correct age or beard/spur length.
Too bad that everything wasn't done right so that I could post about it.

I am sure the shots were too long, the birds were too young and the holier than thous that now apparently run tndeer would have an awful lot of fun bashing myself and my son and my hunting partners and well by god I ain't gonna give them the pleasure.

Amazingly sad what it has become here.
Hope everyone has a great remainder of the season.

I have seen some things that I have questions about but guess what, you can't even discuss anything on here anymore so there is no need in even posting.

So, lets talk about taking a poop, eating supper and how much better we are than everyone else and refuse to look in the mirror and just keep on blindly running through life alone.

I killed a jake this morning! I called 3 of them up! First bird I have ever killed that I called up!! I am proud!! Ain't nobody gonna take this one from me!!
Sorry it has come to this Ruger! I still think your cool and could care less what you kill as long as you are having a good time!
Big J said:
First bird I have ever killed that I called up!! I am proud!!

As was my very first solo bird..... not ashamed either....

I don't agree with some things I read on here, but unless my opinion is asked for, I keep to myself. Each person gets their own form of satisfaction out of hunting. As long as their doing it by the law, I am happy for them...... If the folks with so much to say would have that much vitality in the way this country is going to the crapper in a hurry..... well things might get changed.

Keep your head up Ruger, your doing a fine job. Best wishes for everyone in their remaining seasons.... and ones to come.
Post 'em Ruger. The majority would congratulate you.

Wasn't it Deer Dawg that used to say the rest of them can "Piss up a Rope" :D ?
Someday people will realize its not about what you kill or even if you kill. Its all about the trip. I am probably looked on as one of the worst hunters on here cause I don't kill much of anything anymore, but I probably enjoy the hunts more than most anybody else. Its all about priorities. Oh, and not giving a big rats behind about what somebody else thinks.
Ruger,.. great post. It has got to were you can't post nothing without someone posting a smarta$$ remark or they know more than you reply. I've been on awhile now,. and have lost my cool from some of these posts the past year or so. I really don't even post much anymore because of this,.. and don't visit the site as much. I wish you and the other mods could simply just take out the trash on this site and lets go back to the good ole days on here.

BUT,.. if someone reads this and the only reason they get on here is to insult, post smarta$$ remarks, or think they know it all ,..... you really have no business here,.. so just move along. You know who you are!!!
If you have something to say,.. post it,. but do it in a responsible manner. Example: If i post that we are not hearing the gobbles like we were at the first of season,.. and don't know why,... but turn around and say we killed 6 off 150 acres so far. Don't be a smarta$$ about it,.. just simply say that it may be possible you could be overharvesting for the amount of land. BE NICE!!!
RUGER said:
Things were different.

My excitement at the beginning of turkey season was unmatched.
I suppose because my deer season was ended before rifle season even started due to the death of my dad that caused the excitement level to be raised quite a bit.

Been a weird year.
Seems no matter what I do I can't get it all to work out in the end.
My son scored and my father-in-law ALMOST had his first kill ever at the same time.
Had some awesome hunts and more fun than should be allowed.

Too bad that the shots may or may not of been the correct distance to be acceptable.
Too bad that all the birds encountered weren't the correct age or beard/spur length.
Too bad that everything wasn't done right so that I could post about it.

I am sure the shots were too long, the birds were too young and the holier than thous that now apparently run tndeer would have an awful lot of fun bashing myself and my son and my hunting partners and well by god I ain't gonna give them the pleasure.

Amazingly sad what it has become here.
Hope everyone has a great remainder of the season.

I have seen some things that I have questions about but guess what, you can't even discuss anything on here anymore so there is no need in even posting.

So, lets talk about taking a poop, eating supper and how much better we are than everyone else and refuse to look in the mirror and just keep on blindly running through life alone.

Word. Keep after them, it only comes around once ayear.
Check out the video I posted of the strutter in the Veterans Cemetary, I promise you all I could think about was the men who have given their life for us. I had a great panaorama of the whole cemetary but it got lost in the edit.
i hope my comment in my thread where i said the recipe was so good "I would almost shoot a jake", wasnt the reason for this thread. i have taken some heat on here for objecting to immature bucks being killed by mature hunters, but turkeys are a different story. My first turkey was a jake. I am not a good turkey hunter at all. in fact, if it wasnt for my mobility and willingness to cover great distance, i would never kill one. i cant call for crap. My goal was to kill a limit of longbeards, something i have never done, since the limit was 4, AND THIS YR IT IS IN REACH. Heck some years i dont even turkey hunt. with the reproductive rate of turkeys and theire staggering population around where i live, i could care less what type of turkey anyone kills. i just personally choose to shoot a 2 + yr old. I have no clue about the distance thing, must have missed that one. But check out the recipe i am posting. it is not mine, i found it, but man am i hooked!!
I will certainly voice my opinions about things, but have never thrown down on anyone here or anywhere else for shooting something. I could care less, and before anyone chirps, provide evidence where I specifically and personally sniped at another for shooting something.

When dealing with lots of folks in a discussion environment, anything is possible in terms of replies. Take the good, ignore the bad.

In reality this is just a forum, hopefully life extends beyond a computer screen for all.
buckdead said:
Sometimes I wish people would grow some thicker skin.

Not posting something you wanna share outta fear of what someone might say or think is just dumb. jmo

I ain't never been too bright. ;)

It isn't that I need thicker skin, as I grow older I just have less patience for ignorance.
been gone a few days must a missed something

good post RUGER, post your pics and tell us the story

would love see them and give my congrats!

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