Sometimes I wish

Congrats to you and the boy on your kills Ruger and good luck for the remainder!! Jealousy is normally the root that grows the ugly weed, ignore it and have fun with your family!
buckdead said:
Sometimes I wish people would grow some thicker skin.

Not posting something you wanna share outta fear of what someone might say or think is just dumb. jmo

I doubt very seriously he isn't posting something out of fear of what some might think or say to him but having your child visit or post on the same web site and have to read all the negative smartbutt remarks kinda does something to a parent.

Really what should happen when a post of a kill is made and any negative remarks are made those post should be removed and the poster should be giving a point system if you get 3 points you are out. Thank God I don't run this place huh?.

Thick skin I have but when someone is cracking a picture of some ones kills when we all hunt and kill well my skin doesn't have nothing to do with it. Except there is a place on my skin that people like that can sure kiss and its right in a crack.

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