Son’s First Bow Buck

My son has being playing cat and mouse with a couple bucks for the past few days. He's hunted every day since Saturday and let some does and small bucks walk trying to kill a decent buck. He got a ride home from school this afternoon from his nana and headed straight to the woods. This buck and a smaller 8pt were the first deer out this afternoon. He hit the deer square in the shoulder and knocked him down. He had to shoot him again as he was trying to get up. Upon field dressing, it's a good thing he did as the first shot didn't penetrate the cavity even though there was blood everywhere. It doesn't matter though as he's on the board with a nice 7pt. He called me as I was headed home from work tore all to pieces. There was no tracking required and drove the sxs right to him.

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Hey OP, I enjoy estimating B&C (Boone and Crockett) scores for white tail;

I like to practice so when I am in the field I can estimate on the fly.

It is fun to see what folks are shooting and engage.

All my scores are based on photos you posted to here, thus it may not be accurate. Normal B&C scores are done with a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. I do not go to the 1/8 inch. I do whole inches and go off photos and use things in the photos for approximate references!

Also, I do gross score and don't do the whole subtract for atypical stuff.

Of note, circumference (mass) is tough to gauge off of photos

Based on the pics in my estimate B&C for your first bow buck is:

63 points. Error of 3-5 points. Nice 7 pointer, great deer!
Hey OP, I enjoy estimating B&C (Boone and Crockett) scores for white tail;

I like to practice so when I am in the field I can estimate on the fly.

It is fun to see what folks are shooting and engage.

All my scores are based on photos you posted to here, thus it may not be accurate. Normal B&C scores are done with a 1/4-inch wide flexible steel tape to the nearest one-eighth of an inch. I do not go to the 1/8 inch. I do whole inches and go off photos and use things in the photos for approximate references!

Also, I do gross score and don't do the whole subtract for atypical stuff.

Of note, circumference (mass) is tough to gauge off of photos

Based on the pics in my estimate B&C for your first bow buck is:

63 points. Error of 3-5 points. Nice 7 pointer, great deer!
I don't like to get caught up in the score but do measure most of our deer and have measured a bunch for others as well. I will put a tape to him at some point, but he's going to be somewhere around 90 to 100". It will depend on how long his beams are as I'm not sure exactly their length. Even though yesterday was cooler than normal and he killed him early, we were still focused on not letting the meat ruin so really didn't pay attention to exactly how big.
Congrats Wesley! First bow buck is a big deal. I like his instinct to put another arrow in him ASAP and seal the deal for good. Thanks for sharing.
That instinct makes me feel really good as a teacher. This makes the second buck that he's killed by himself which also makes me proud. I will give him credit that he did all of the preparation on getting ready from washing his clothes to getting everything together due to me not being able to get around good right now with a hip issue. He also sowed the food plot. I rode the tractor, but he did the leg work.

My daughter on the other hand wasn't sure whether to be mad or excited as this is "her" spot. LOL
That instinct makes me feel really good as a teacher. This makes the second buck that he's killed by himself which also makes me proud. I will give him credit that he did all of the preparation on getting ready from washing his clothes to getting everything together due to me not being able to get around good right now with a hip issue. He also sowed the food plot. I rode the tractor, but he did the leg work.

My daughter on the other hand wasn't sure whether to be mad or excited as this is "her" spot. LOL
I'm sure your son didn't make a big deal out of it AT ALL 🤣

Sweat equity pays off
I don't like to get caught up in the score but do measure most of our deer and have measured a bunch for others as well. I will put a tape to him at some point, but he's going to be somewhere around 90 to 100". It will depend on how long his beams are as I'm not sure exactly their length. Even though yesterday was cooler than normal and he killed him early, we were still focused on not letting the meat ruin so really didn't pay attention to exactly how big.
Please let me know what you total score is, I think 100 for this deer is very, very high. But perhaps we will be surprised,

Remember the following count for measurement only (gross), all in inches:
-main inside spread
-main beam length on each side
-G1, G2, and G3 (but not the points of the main beams) (so if a 4 pointer on each side, only the first 3 count as the length of the 4th is included in the main beam length).
4 circumference measurements:
-between skull and G1
between G1-2
between G2-3
between G3-4

Like I said, I will be absolutely flabbergasted if this buck gets 100. Let me know, thank you!
Please let me know what you total score is, I think 100 for this deer is very, very high. But perhaps we will be surprised,

Remember the following count for measurement only (gross), all in inches:
-main inside spread
-main beam length on each side
-G1, G2, and G3 (but not the points of the main beams) (so if a 4 pointer on each side, only the first 3 count as the length of the 4th is included in the main beam length).
4 circumference measurements:
-between skull and G1
between G1-2
between G2-3
between G3-4

Like I said, I will be absolutely flabbergasted if this buck gets 100. Let me know, thank you!
This will be my last post concerning score as this shouldn't take away from the deer, and score really doesn't matter. However as said before, I have measured a bunch of deer in the past including some that were officially scored after and very, very close to what I got. I appreciate the breakdown of how to score, but I promise that I know how to score a deer and how to do it right. Maybe the pics don't do the deer justice, but 90 to 100" was my guestimate by looking at it. I knew 100" was a stretch but knew he was in the ballpark.

We took the time to measure him this afternoon, and he was 94 1/8". Again this is my last post concerning score on this deer as I am not taking away from a kid's deer anymore.