Sous Vide/Grilled Ribeyes.

130 is the number for pasteurized food not 120
Got it, yeah I'm not familiar with the Temps and science... I missed that you understand the process and were just questioning the 120 temp possibility too low for proper pasteurization. While interesting, I haven't ever gotten into sous vide because I didn't want to buy the equipment.
I don't speak France.....what the hay is Sous-Vide? 😂

Looks like whip marks on them steaks. Cook them suckers another 30 min on each side and throw some A-1 on'em

earl dibbles jr yes GIF by Granger Smith
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For those new to sous vide, this guy is the one to watch!! Learned so much from him.
BTW, for those opposed to anything French, you might want to go ahead and get rid of anything you shoot that uses a primer or smokeless powder. I'm available for pickup...

Sous Vide as stated several times already in this thread, cooks the meat at low temperature for an extended period. Does that sound like another cooking method that I'm pretty sure alot of you guys probably already do? Like maybe smokin? And why do we smoke a pork butt low and slow for 12 hours? Besides the taste, it breaks down the connective tissues in the meat and makes it so tender you can pull it apart with a fork. You can get similar results with your Sous Vide, although with a steak you wouldn't do it to the same extent. But you can take a less expensive cut of a steak like maybe a sirloin and elevate it to the tenderness of a filet mignon and few would know the difference when done right.
But if you do it too long your meats can take on a sort of odd texture that some people that are texture based eaters will not like.
I have Sous Vide prime ribs, pork butts, chuck steaks, pork chops and a bunch of other stuff and almost everything turned out really good.
Do you like soft boiled eggs? Try throwing a couple eggs in the Sous Vide at about 147 - 149 degrees. The white will be cooked and the yolk will be creamy and delicious.
For those new to sous vide, this guy is the one to watch!! Learned so much from him.
BTW, for those opposed to anything French, you might want to go ahead and get rid of anything you shoot that uses a primer or smokeless powder. I'm available for pickup...
I like French Toast sooo... that leaves me safe for smokeless powder and primer hunting.

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