
You guys must have been awfully hungry at times.
I'm not that hungry RN.
You guys must have been awfully hungry at times.
I'm not that hungry RN.
It wasn't that we were that hungry, that was just the way of life my parents grew up with and we really didn't know any better. These were shining times and we never knew it. I would love to go back and do it all over again. Folks have no idea what they missed. Kinda like when we cleaned chitlins-Do you know how we did it! We slung the crap out of em'. :)
Never even heard of this stuff.. I'm totally gonna try it. I bet it would make some fantastic burritos.
My family started a tradition about 12 years ago. We make breakfast burritos on Christmas eve day. We make 2 kinds one with regular sausage and another with chorizo. We have breakfast burritos for several days.
Burritos, homemade salsa and sour cream... best ever breakfast food.
Next year we'll be adding these to the menu! Sausage, chorizo and sauce! Sounds delicious!
I tried it when I was a kid and didn't know any better. It's really no worse than eating potted meat or Vienna sausages. About the same thing goes in it. Everything but the squeal!
Ever eat a Chicken McNugget from McDonald's ??? I guarantee you homemade souse is a lot more appealing if you looked at the contents! Gotta watch that pink meat they make a grind with!

If any of you do try some souse meat, get the Zeigler's mild or hot. This is the best on the shelves nowadays. I like the hot best of all. Get a piece about the size of a tobacco plug and you can make a fine tailgate lunch.
Never even heard of this stuff.. I'm totally gonna try it. I bet it would make some fantastic burritos.
My family started a tradition about 12 years ago. We make breakfast burritos on Christmas eve day. We make 2 kinds one with regular sausage and another with chorizo. We have breakfast burritos for several days.
Burritos, homemade salsa and sour cream... best ever breakfast food.
Next year we'll be adding these to the menu! Sausage, chorizo and sauce! Sounds delicious!
Don't think you can warm up souse. Left some on the front seat of my truck one time when I went fishing. Went back to get it after about an hour and it had completely melted through the bag. Glad I had seat covers. I like slicing it and putting it in a bowl of vinegar and eating it with good cheese.
It wasn't that we were that hungry, that was just the way of life my parents grew up with and we really didn't know any better. These were shining times and we never knew it. I would love to go back and do it all over again. Folks have no idea what they missed. Kinda like when we cleaned chitlins-Do you know how we did it! We slung the crap out of em'. :)

I've heard a good hand wringing will clean the crap out of them too :D
Don't think you can warm up souse. Left some on the front seat of my truck one time when I went fishing. Went back to get it after about an hour and it had completely melted through the bag. Glad I had seat covers. I like slicing it and putting it in a bowl of vinegar and eating it with good cheese.
Thanks for sharing that! Great to know.
Still gonna try it in some form or fashion. Maybe as suggested!
reading about this it reminds me a bit of Scrapple. each year I save all the hearts, livers and other wobbly bits from the deer we harvest and make a few loafs. stinks to high heavens while its boiling but a few days later when you cut off a slice and it hits the hot cast iron life gets good quick fast and in a hurry. it gets a light crisp crust on the outside and the silkiest texture imaginable on the inside. i eat it with a pile of grits and a lil' Louisiana hot sauce.

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