There is a volunteer trail maintenance crew that works out of the Tellico Ranger Station. I was a part of it for about 12 years, but I was hit by cancer in 2020; plus just plain getting too darn old, and I lost my strength and stamina and so I had to quit the trail work.
It was hard work sawing fallen trees out of the trails, trimming back overgrown brush, and sometimes digging in the dirt to repair washouts, but I sure did enjoy it, plus I got to hike every trail in the Tellico Ranger District. I got to know that area well.
It is all volunteer work. No pay. In the designated wilderness areas nothing motorized is permitted, not even chainsaws. So, there we used two-man crosscut saws to remove the fallen trees. Some of those trees were near 4 feet in diameter. That is a lot of hand sawing!
After chemo and radiation treatments, in 2021 I was declared cancer free. I'm working out regularly at the YMCA to build my strength and stamina back up. However, since I live near Cleveland, closer to the Ocoee Ranger District than to Tellico, I have been staying down here. I mostly roam between the Hiwassee River and the Georgia State line, mainly south of the Ocoee River. So, if you see an old man hobbling along among the mountains down this way give him a wave; it might be me.